XDC2015 Open Conversation - Day 1

http://www.lightspeedpos.com/ in case you want to learn more :slight_smile:

The changes to the IDE will not be incremental, but rather wholesale. I’m not certain if this means they are working on another version of the IDE, or revamping the existing one to fix the issues. Perhaps one of the engineers will tell us here, or I’ll ask someone later.

I’m glad to hear they are dealing with the IDE… But wholesale changes also likely means a lot of new bugs at once! Big changes in the IDE have never gone smoothly.

In terms of building plugins in the IDE…

Will be we be able to code them and test them in the debug mode in the IDE WITHOUT a Pro license as with Xojo in general? Or will a Pro license be required to be able to develop them?

I do wonder how this will affect existing plugin vendors and now they will get more competition in a relatively small market (though one which will hopefully be expanding).

  • Karen

64 bit for Linux Console? I see mixed mentions of 64 bit and 64 bit desktop.

They didn’t mention console separately so I expect that it’s included in any discussion of 64-bit. If I’m wrong, I’m sure one of the engineers will correct me.

The existing plugin SDK is not going away, just updated to handle 64-bit. It will just make developing plugins easier, so expect an expansion of that market.

And yes, any development will bring bugs. That’s always true, right? With luck, it will fix much more than it breaks.

Plugins need to be updated to 64bit, don’t they?


Ah well, I don’t have any doubts about Christian and Ruslan.

[quote=183511:@Valdemar De SOUSA]Great news :slight_smile:
hope r3 coming soon :)[/quote]
They announced Alpha 1 (emphasis on ONE) today. I would expect a 3 month, or so, development cycle.

I have done my initial writeup at http://www.bkeeneybriefs.com/2015/04/xojo-developers-conference-2015-keynote-notes/

Engineers will now be talking about the new framework, lead by William Yu.

Nice job Bob.

Hallmarks of the new framework:

  • API consistency (zero-based everything, method naming, exception for errors)
  • Feature parity with old framework
  • Better efficiency (like FolderItem iteration)
  • “Correctness” (Text vs. String, mutable vs. immutable classes, etc.)

“Classic” (i.e., “old”) framework is not going away any time soon.

I hope they consider using existing plugin SDK for Linux on ARM, too.
Because that would allow me to recompile things for Linux on ARM…

Will old framework generate LLVM code or will need to use the new framework? Never understood this… :slight_smile:

this was not discussed/announced either way. I would ask @Joe Ranieri about it.

Thanks Scott!

Geoff said he was able to open an old project with a 64-bit version, so I think that mean the old framework will be fine. Engineers can clarify.