I changed it to Rosetta because of the problem, but that didn’t make any difference.
CPU use of 91.9%: how many times are you waiting to see if a change happens ?
It was said earlier, it may be because you have many plugins and that takes times.
Also, r3 may have underlying changes in the way plugins are read (the first time r3 is run) ?
Have-you noted strange things while using Read and Write with SQLite ?
Remove plugins one by one until the problem doesn’t show up anymore. Which ones do you have, by the way?
Do you mean 3rd party plugins? I only use what comes with Xojo.
(You can in any case remove any Xojo ones you don’t use. I use none so I remove them all. It speeds up the launch of Xojo a bit.)
I had experimented with the progress indicator object early on. I deleted it and now Xojo runs normally.
nope, I spoke too soon., Still spinning ball all the time. Moving the mouse or clicking on an object gives the ball for about 10 seconds. It’s impossible to work on the layout this way. I am sure it must be something in my project file, because nobody else seem to have this problem. In case it’s a plugin issue, how can I find them in my project? But should this also be a problem when the project is not running? This spinning ball issue is especially when Xojo is in developing mode.
Have you removed the pre-existing Xojo plugins? I use practically all plugins except those.
How can I find them? As far as I know, I only use the objects from the Library. In preferences I see these:
Only the ones that came with Xojo. I can delete the ones I don’t use, maybe that will make a difference. I only use sqlite.
You may try Arbed and check if your Project is correct or have a trouble.
What is Arbed?
I removed the plugins I don’t use, still the spinning wheel. I didn’t think it was really the cause of the problem.
Thanks, I got this warning after dropping the project file in Arbed:
Thomas ?
It is one year old. (—> Release Notes)