Omegabundle 2014

Perhaps it is a little bit premature, but I would like to work with bought tools for a longer time, and doesn’t want to buy “soon outdated tools”.

Then with 2015 around the corner I wouldn’t buy anything that hasn’t been touched since 2013.

Have you some special tool in mind?

That is understandable, but since 64 bit does not exist yet, chances are all tools in the pack will need update/upgrade when it is here. In the meantime, there is no reason to hold your breath. One year in computing time is like ten years in human life (yes, more than dog years).

Personally, I already have the MBS suite and App Wrapper that are indispensable to my business, the rest would be luxury. So am not sure yet I will take the plunge.

I would just like to add, that if there any changes that need to be made to the Ohanaware source code modules Retina Kit & Sandbox Kit, then I update them, for 64-Bit compatibility. It’s a little hard to tell at the moment as 64-Bit isn’t here yet.

If Apple approve our NSSharingService workaround i.e. an application that’s using it, then we’ll add it to the bundle also.

Then your honest opinion is extremely uninformed, Mr Troll.

We’ve been organizing the Omegabundle for 5+ years. All the participants work together because the vast majority of us are among the first and long selling add-on and plugin developers for Xojo. Id venture a guess that we are the majority of third party developers for Xojo.

We apologize for the state of the franklin 3d website. It needs to be restored, but that will happen after another one of our web projects are completed.

Not smart.

And he wasn’t talking about the OmegaBundle, he was talking about Franklin 3D. Which has been off-line for a long time. Where little information is given. Does it work with Cocoa? Will it be updated for 64bit?

Good Customer Service looks different, so as my wife says: Bad ■■■■!

Once we get a 64 bit SDK, its doable. That said, the Valentina Server you get comes in a 64 bit version. All the Paradigma products come with all updates for the following 12 months.

Since when is M.u.f.f. a bad word???

It’s a euphemism for a woman’s parts in Britain I think.

Been that way here in the US ever since I was a kid … unfortunately still remember the bad jokes from one particular acquaintance I had. But in all fairness, by far, the more prevalent meaning of the word these days is “a mistake”. Like Markus, I would have been surprised at the redacting myself.


I always thought a M.u.f.f. is a type of dog (A very small lap-dog, such as a woman can carry in her m.u.f.f. which is a hand-warmer held in front of you) …

Imagine my face when I found out “box” was a euphemism.

AAaannnnd back on topic…


Regarding your question about Cocoa and 64 bit. The last compile of Franklin 3D was in 2013, and I believe that was with the last release of Irrlicht, 1.8.1 which included a lot of engine fixes. I don’t believe we tested specifically with the state of Xojo’s Cocoa compiling at that time, and nobody reported any problems with it.

There are enough Franklin 3D for Xojo users out there that if people need a Cocoa or 64 bit update, and its possible to code it, we will do it. Irrlicht Engine itself isn’t 64 bit, but it certainly runs on 64 bit systems.

I stand corrected. Still no reason to call him troll.

There are some things I find interesting the the OmegaBundle, but I expect that Xojo will go 64 Bit before December 2015. I would hate to buy the bundle and have to pay for new versions of 64 bit compatible plugin even if Xojo does not go 64 bit unit 2016.

I know plugin authors can not provide those now and at most free upgrades would be one year at most… and of course the 64 bit versions may wind up being separate products, as 32 bit Xojo won’t disappear with the intro of 64 bit.

My windows Machine at work has 32 bit Windows 7 on it, and some expensive commercial software package that control equipment also need 32 bit, so for those machines I would need to compile for 32 bit even if they have 64 bit processors…

We seem to be at a point of maximum uncertainty for a lot of reasons!

  • karen

As you said, 32 bit applications should run just fine on 64 bit operating systems. At Paradigma, we don’t price separately for 32 and 64 bit versions. Right now, we are shipping 64 bit versions of some of our ADKs where it makes sense and there are customers. For example, it didn’t make sense to do much with Unicode on our Director versions until Director actually supported Unicode (we had it in all our products that had platforms that supported it); that was a problem with Adobe though, not us.

If both 32 and 64 bit versions exist, they aren’t separated by cost. I just don’t see the reason in doing that that won’t come off as bilking our customers. Now that is the sort of tactic I can see happening if a product is in its final years and its unlikely the maker is getting any new seat licenses (there’s an industry of bottom feeders that buy old titles and do this - remember the 16 to 32 bit migration?).

Are you delaying buying any upgrade to Xojo until a 64 bit version is available?

What’s always been critical for me is backwards compatibility. A lot of companies are stopping to support Windows XP, and in some cases it makes business sense. But for many, especially consumer type products, or SMB, its a bad idea. What the operating system vendor wants you to do is irrelevant. It is about where your target customer is - paying customers.

Since I know Xojo 64 bit is coming soon, I worry than and plugins for Xojo that are NOT 64 bit also will not work with it.

Application I’m less worried about, with Apple they might do something with 10.11 (like remove 32 bit APIs that an application is depending on) that will kill the app. I believe in 10.10 Apple has already started removing some 32 APIs and a lot more could go with 10.11

Basically If I buy 3rd party stuff I don’t want to have to pay for upgrades anytime soon. For example I have a commercial Xojo plugin that I got in 2009 that still works fine … so even through new versions have been released I have not paid to keep current.

Basically as I don’t make significant money with Xojo, I am very price sensitive.

Well, you can buy the bundle now. Or you wait till plugin vendors release a 64bit version and test it. But than you have regular pricing.

Anyway, I do plan to support 64bit. But no idea how long it will take once we have a 64bit plugin SDK.

How Long will the bundle be available?

  • Karen