Little Xojo Conference in Netherlands

< 4 weeks
For international arrangements thats short notice
It also means I pay not just full price for airlines but their silly “more than full price because you forgot to book early price”
For one person a flight from here to Amsterdam is anywhere between $1100 and $1700 depending on how many stop overs you’re willing to endure

the price is crazy!!

Norman I expect you for next year, not this time. This is small conference for 20 people. Next year we can look into making a big one with 50 people :slight_smile:

@Norman Palardy I see flights from Calgary to Paris for 800€ here in a quick search. Maybe Paris is cheaper and you go with Stephane together to Schevenongen.
Bonus: you have extra days in Paris!

That was a one stop flight with Montreal stop.

That why only the happy few from Europe can join XDC. :slight_smile:

Ooooh. Culture. Clearly a European event … :wink:

[quote=208138:@Christian Schmitz]@Norman Palardy I see flights from Calgary to Paris for 800€ here in a quick search. Maybe Paris is cheaper and you go with Stephane together to Schevenongen.
Bonus: you have extra days in Paris![/quote]
800€ is about $1100 CDN (probably more when the bank takes its cut)

I’d be happy to be there but that wont happen with only 4 weeks lead time
Next year I guess

[quote=208131:@Norman Palardy]< 4 weeks
For international arrangements thats short notice
It also means I pay not just full price for airlines but their silly “more than full price because you forgot to book early price”
For one person a flight from here to Amsterdam is anywhere between $1100 and $1700 depending on how many stop overs you’re willing to endure[/quote]

Welcome to the club. Unfortunately what you experience is exactly what Europeans endure to attend XDC.

IF there were more than 4 weeks lead time the cost wouldn’t be as significant (cost is at this point only one issue)
Looking at flights from here to Amsterdam IF I could buy for Feb 2016 I can find one that is $200 less

XDC is often announced 6 or more months in advance so finding a really cheap flight is easier with lots of lead time
With < 4 weeks even a “cheap flight” is quite expensive

And right this second the CDN $ is taking a pounding with the drop in oil & other resource prices
Its dropped a lot relative to the Euro & USD in the last couple months - over 2% in the last 2 weeks and 6% from end of June
It was already at a discount then

Its very expensive for me to go to either the US or Europe because of this
Never mind going to England & the pound … its over 2 to 1 to go there

The Euro is at 1.10 to the USD and seems to be trending up getting stronger against the USD

You forget I’m not in the USA either
Its expensive as heck for me to go to the USA right now because of the exchange rate (far less favourable than the Euro to USD rate)

We just went to Yellowstone a few weeks back and that was when the dollar was “weak” but not like now
Because of the exchange gas was about $4.00 per litre (which for me is 4x what I normally pay)

[quote=208201:@Norman Palardy]You forget I’m not in the USA either
Its expensive as heck for me to go to the USA right now because of the exchange rate (far less favourable than the Euro to USD rate)

We just went to Yellowstone a few weeks back and that was when the dollar was “weak” but not like now
Because of the exchange gas was about $4.00 per litre (which for me is 4x what I normally pay)[/quote]

Yes, the US dollar is getting higher. Nowhere near what it has been during Reagan’s era for a while :wink:

We got our first registrations :slight_smile:


Register form:

Ten people registered already. More please :slight_smile:

Currently 4 countries and around 2/3 from Netherlands. This will definitive be the biggest meeting of Dutch Xojo developers in history!

Who wants to join?

I just registered, too! Looking forward to seeing you guys!


Well, Paul will also speak via video chat about iOS and new framework.

And we are at 50% capacity, so it could be that with another newsletter this week, we can sell out :slight_smile:

20 people already!

Anyone else?