Little Xojo Conference in Netherlands

I would have loved to meet you all, but my bread job doesn’t allow me to. I am designing an exhibition fair catalogue, and the deadline for it (which means notes arrive on Friday and the printing data must be ready on Monday morning) is exactly that weekend around Sept. 18th. :frowning:


We’ll miss you.

@Ulrich Bogun Work hard and get it done by 16th or 17th, so you can just come as a surprise :slight_smile:

More registrations?
We only have 7 seats left. Counting down.

Still negotiating with my wife. :slight_smile:

Looks like we talk also about PDF as Jens Boschulte from DynaForms is coming :slight_smile:

5 seats left :slight_smile:
It’s filling!

amazing. 4 today already and just 4 seats left.
Maybe I need to phone hotel and ask for a different layout to fit more people in the room :slight_smile:

We might show up. Depends on the boss to give the go-ahead, but he’s not here.
When he is available, we’ll ask. We might be able to come. Will let you know asap.

We will have to ask Dana to create a new title for the people who visit this event, something
like “DXDC 2015” (Dutch Xojo Developers Conference) and maybe she can organize some Xojo caps and pens? :smiley:

IMO Christian deserves an extra bonus from Xojo for his efforts to organize this event! :slight_smile:

Thanks. I am surprised how much people come. Especially those who didn’t visit a conference before.

[quote=210266:@Dirk Cleenwerck]We might show up. Depends on the boss to give the go-ahead, but he’s not here.
When he is available, we’ll ask. We might be able to come. Will let you know asap.[/quote]

Aren’t you the boss while he is away?

The fact that there are a lot of people coming from other countries than the Netherlands, I think we should call it “European Xojo Developer Conference” (EXDC).

This as counterpart to the “American Xojo Developer Conference”. :wink:
(Just kidding)

with a little more lead time … I’d be there

short time frame for arranging everything (which means expensive flights - more expensive than normal)
putting a presentation together
AND doing my normal work

would be fun but not this time

I had considerd that but IMO it looks too much like extasy (drug).
And we are welcoming our foreign guests ofcourse! :slight_smile:

Feels as a real pity! :frowning:

Is EuXDC or EuropeXDC better? :wink:

I easily find flights for < $1000. With one stop to Europa and non stop back to Calgary. No problem as far as I see.

And I know this can be done. I had clients call me for coming to them and I booked flights one and two days in advance without big problems. Several times in the last years.

If you travel between 16th and 20th, I could even offer you a pickup at the airport or bring you back there.

[quote=210332:@Norman Palardy]
would be fun but not this time[/quote]
love to but time frame is far too tight to arrange everything WE would need (yes wife would insist on coming)
its not just flight costs