How long do we have to wait to support Android?

Thanks for making me laugh.


Jeannot: you made a typo above; it’s “The Winning Forum” ;-:slight_smile:

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This discussion has run its course.

Are we ever going to see a Android being released? Android had been in the No 1 spot of the road map for quite a while and now it’s down to No 5. I know that the list changes and it’s not to be taken as a contract of what will be delivered next but down to No 5?

New features being added to the roadmap has no effect on Androids timeline.


Which timeline?


You know, the secret timeline. :wink:

No but I’m willing to bet it’s not in the next release but 1-4 are. Happy to be proven wrong of course but don’t think so otherwise 1-4 would have appeared as 2-5 with Android where it was.

Conjecture of course :grinning:


The order is the order they think they will appear. They now believe that 1-4 will be done before Android. Nowhere did they indicate that being #1 meant it would be in the next release. It’s not that Android moved down, other things moved up.


I stand by my prediction. My crystal ball has been working well of late :facepunch:

They very well may appear in the next release, which is why they moved up. I don’t recall Xojo naming the release that Android would appear in.


They certainly have not, but pushing other ahead in the roadmap is not a good sign for Android.


That’s my chain of thought too.

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We always have multiple projects underway at any given time. Some of them are small projects that might only take a few weeks or months, some are very large and might take years such as Android (or Web 2.0). Because smaller projects typically reach completion faster than larger projects, they will periodically jump ahead of larger projects on a roadmap.


Please don’t insult our intelligence. Every experienced developer knows that this is not true. In a small team, it’s at best a distraction resulting in delays and at worst an abandonment of the expected timelines. And No.1 just became No 5!


Things got moved up because the focus was changed! Or are you serious suggesting that the developers were told to work on No. 1 and they just went of and did No 2 thru No 4 instead?

Perhaps you missed Greg’s response in the other thread:

The skills of the people involved in 1-4 are not needed for Android at the moment.

This is a very foolish conversation you are having and it is close to being insulting. Please desist.


Well there is a shocker! If you devote resources to smaller projects of course they’ll finish first, especially if you don’t have the depth of resources to do both. The amount of money and time I wasted on these promises annoys me afresh every time.

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