
Hi, I am a returning XOJO programmer.

I tried some few sample made in XOJO 2024 release 4.2.

I would like to know if ZINDEX is already back? if now, what is alternative to make web container be in front?

In general you shouldn’t need to be messing around with properties like z-index.

What problem are you having that you are trying to solve in this manner?

in Xojo 2019, I managed to switch my web app UI by using web container. I use multiple web container to switch to different screen and use ZINDEX to make a particular web container to be on top.

Even in that scenario, you really don’t need to adjust the z-index because toggling visibility would have done the job.

New in Web 2.0 is WebPagePanel for panel-based view switching. Again, not messing with z-index.

"toggling visibility would have done the job.” - quite interesting. I never done that before. I just use z-index.

Also WebPagePanel looks very interesting to learn. Let me check some samples.

BTW, thanks TIM!