XDC2018 Open Conversation - Day 2

Not wanting to derail the thread but GDPR does not specifically require encryption. And encrypting identifiable data does not then render it anonymised or pseudonymised. Anonymised data has all identifiable attributes removed and cannot be reidentified. Pseudonymised data has identifiable data removed but leaves a key which, when used with a separate data source, allows you to reidentify records.

You are required to keep data safe. And to prevent a thief to run away with your hard disks and read the data, you encrypt them.

Security isn’t black and white, so encryption is one option but not the only option. GDPR does not require encryption, but it is an option available to you. (Maybe admins should delete our posts because we’re going to derail the thread. It was my mistake to comment).

Lunch (with excellent pizza and cannolis!) is done and @Philippe Casgrain 's session on Factoring your Project for Testability is starting. In the other room, @Susan Fennema is talking about Project Management Solutions.

Phil is using something on his Mac that lets him highlight a portion of the screen that will then zoom in over the whole screen. What is that?

Yes, time to launch too here !

No multiple cursor ?

This perhaps:

Just a quick “thanks” to everyone that attended my session on Aloe Express.

Here’s a link to the demos and keynote that I presented:

Thanks to all who attended my session - fun times! I mentioned a deeper dive into some of the project management concepts I was talking about was available on my blog. Here’s the link: www.beyondthechaos.biz/blog

Interesting session on using xojo to build a database/JSON web server for mobile apps with Gerrit Saey. I really like these sessions especially when you discover useful tools and useful websites like https://freeformatter.com a collection of free online tools for developers.

Just finished with Paul and Travis’ LLVM presentation, about to watch @Yves Meynard talk about compiler tips and tricks.

Thanks everyone for joining my session about using xojo to build a database/JSON web server for mobile apps. Feel free to send email if you want more specific information or code from the session.

I had to step out of Yves’ presentation, unfortunately, because I got very excited about something I just created and needed Paul’s help to finish.

I’m making my presentation controls public. Along with them is a way to “ghost” your demo window. Why? If you’re not mirroring your screen, it will create a mirror of your window that you can move to the projector.

I’ll post a link soon.

Yves is doing some very interesting things with the compiler: bending it to his will to better expose potential issues, helping to refactor old legacy code, and protecting against shooting yourself in the foot. His section on Enum is worth a review when the videos are available.

The tool I was using to zoom on-demand is called Snippos https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/snippos/id1140313689?mt=12

For API design I really like Apiary.io https://apiary.io

You create a markdown file with your api and documentation and canned results and presto! You have a web service that speaks with your API.

With @Tim Parnell 's help, I just release M_Presentation, a set of controls that will automatically use a constant’s value for font size, and let you set up a window that automatically mirrors.

Take a look at the demo at:


Presentations done for the day, off to dinner at 6:30.