XDC 2018 Session Videos As a Single Download?

Would it be possible to have a single download of all the High Def videos?

It’s taking some effort to download them one at a time…

Really? I did multiple downloads all at the same time. Safari handled it just fine.

or write your own Xojo app :slight_smile:

Of course not here!
Only between people who attended the conference.

This is not allowed. I can look into a single download for those who have access.

A single download would rock for those that haven’t downloaded yet and for future XDCs! Thanks Dana!!!

I downloaded 31 videos. Correct?

and like previous xdc’s it would be nice to be able to buy one video at a time, for those who didn’t attend it !

We sell our XDC videos in a video package, just as we have done in the past. We are not selling them individually. They are priced at $399 and available now in our store.

sorry…“and like I also asked in previous XDC’s, …”

I would likely buy 1-5 videos based on their content (or speaker), so you could get some $100 from me for this
but I don’t want to spend $399 so you will get nothing …

but we already discussed from this in previous years …

Agreed, weird way to do things. Xojo would probably earn more if they sold videos separatly. I would buy some then, now nothing…

Well it would be even better for xojo to sell itself to provide them for free. I’ve bought them in the past but it’s kinda too much for what one will get certainly when you can buy plugins (almost all) for the same price, which provide alot more value for their price.

Perhaps xojo could sell them seperately but even then it’s a lot for information that was freely created by a volunteer providing a session (excluding the xojo engineer stuff)

[quote=386334:@Derk Jochems]Well it would be even better for xojo to sell itself to provide them for free. I’ve bought them in the past but it’s kinda too much for what one will get certainly when you can buy plugins (almost all) for the same price, which provide alot more value for their price.

Perhaps xojo could sell them seperately but even then it’s a lot for information that was freely created by a volunteer providing a session (excluding the xojo engineer stuff)[/quote]

Yes, that would be even better. It would have more marketing value to give them out for free. But I understand if they would wait a while before doing that, so they do not loose attendants for the live XDC.

But I still would buy single videos of things that interrests me.

No problem. Your five videos cost $399 and the rest is free. :wink:

Bites tongue.

So you dont see the point I’m making? Not everyone has the posibillity or finances to go to the XDC or even buy the whole package. I know I dont. I cant see even the slightes fun factor in this

Well, you could join the conference in Germany in September.
Or see if Xojo Inc. in a few months has a sale or some other special offer to get them cheaper.

Eventually I would like to see them going free after some waiting time.

[quote=386343:@Christian Schmitz]Well, you could join the conference in Germany in September.
Or see if Xojo Inc. in a few months has a sale or some other special offer to get them cheaper.

Eventually I would like to see them going free after some waiting time.[/quote]

Yes, considering the German conference. And, free after some time would be okay for me, then I would not feel so not part of the family…

I don’t think it’s a viable solution, as nobody would then go to xdc if you know you will get the videos for free after?

I’m not sure about that, if they reduced the cost of the XDC ticket by the $399 they are asking for the video I suspect they’d have a lot more people going for the experience, the ability to meet like minds, the ability to ask direct questions to the presenters and get real time feedback on those questions and to speak to the Xojo wizards directly.