When running a web app, I keep getting This site can't be reached

Hi there… I decided that I would make a xojo web app to send to my hosting company to see if they can support it. I just made a quick starter page with a bit of text on it.
I am using 2019 3.2.
I’m on Windows 11.
I remember creating quite a powerful web app that did a lot of database searches (it might have been on the mac). However, when I run my simple app, instead of loading up my page, I get

This site can’t be reached

"http’s server IP address could not be found.

What am i doing wrong? I have chrome Version 131.0.6778.109 (Official Build) (64-bit),
Microsoft edge.

Maybe is an old problem with the URL when you run the app.
Can you check what URL is showing when you run? Maybe related to:

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