webMapViewer problems

The core problem remains the same: too many bugs and not enough heads to fix them. The Xojo people can archive as many issues as they want. There are too many bugs.

I’d rather throw money at problems.

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Please subscribe to the Feedback Case and add it to your Top Cases, if possible. We won’t be able to fix it by 2022r1, but it will be fixed for sure.


Do you have any Feedback Case link for the documentation issues? I would like to add a note so they can be reviewed together.

Thank you.


I think , for the time being,

  1. Would consider to use Anthony’s plugin while waiting for
  2. Xojo to fix the WebMapViewer ( at least make sure the ability’s to show pin / user defined pin ) on the desired location. ( hopefully in the release after 2022R1)

Xojo improves base functionality and the framework and fix other bugs, the details and deep expansion could be provided by plugins provider. Win-win for all.

case subscribed
documentation issue , non-existent method (mapviever1.update)

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hi does anyone know if this bug has been fixed? I have not seen mention in the releases …

Case #61706 is not marked (label) fixed.


è solo dalla prima release di xojo dopo la 2019 che c’è questo problema oltre ad altre decine di problemi irrisolti :joy::grinning:

e va be’ , ormai mi paiono orientati a fare annunci su annunci , a consigliare plugin di terzi ed ad alzare il costo delle licenze :joy:

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I just tried to use WebMapViewer and WebMapLocation.

Both do not work at they should and documentation seems to be for an entirely different product?

WebMapLocation.LookupAddress never even returns and after a while Xojo seems to crash.

I’ve just filed a bug:

WebMapViewer offers zero events, so it is not possible to mark a point on the map and request the coordinates. In the docs there is a “ContextualMenu” which doesn’t work either. And the “Update” function doesn’t exist.

Sad to see that the issues with the WebMap exist since 2019 (I have 2023 R1.1).

Still. We got API2 so be grateful. A team as small as Xojo’s need razor sharp focus and direction. It all feels a little disjointed and lacking in clarity of direction. It’s why I never continued with my subscription - too many unresolved issues and throwing away the API 1 legacy was shameful in my opinion - so many third party resources just left behind.

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My only advice is: if you plan to do web apps with xojo, plan to learn how to use websdk and make your own webcontrols. it is the way to go.
there are so many available javascript libraries, and xojo built-in controls will never be as you want, and like this webmapviewer after one year it’s still not fixed.
still no styled text editor available (I made my own with quill and summernote, works fine)
you can use paid plugins like graffiti, but the best way is to learn xojo websdk.
it’s quite easy to use after some tries, and really powerful.

you can even use the new desktophtmlviewer to include javascript components inside a desktop app, it’s also really easy and powerful.

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So… I have a somewhat solution for this, if you’re willing to use Apple’s MapKit JS as your provider.

You’ll need to have a paid Apple Developer account, but they do include a “free” daily limit of 250,000 map views and 25,000 service calls (geocoding).

Instructions on how to get the necessary items from Apple are included in the project in SOSMapsConstants.README.

The only things that are implemented at this point are setting the location of the map and adding/removing annotations (pins). If there’s any interest in having more features please reach out to me here or on my website.

This will be available again soon. Found a bug that needed fixing.