MapKit JS control for web 2

After seeing some of the discussions about the broken WebMapViewer control, I spent some time an wrapped up some of Apple’s MapKit JS services for use with Xojo Web. The use of this control does appear to require that you have a paid Apple Developer account, but it gets you 250,000 map views and 25,000 service calls per day with an option to pay for more if necessary.

I’ve locked down the “free” version of this control so that the xojo portion only supports maps and pins (annotations) only, but there’s plenty of functionality in there, including getting the latitude and longitude of where a user clicked on the map.If there’s enough interest in making more of the kit available, I’ll put it on the Xojo store.

The free version (encrypted classes) is available for download here.

Make sure you read the ReadMe note inside the SOSMapsConstants module for information on how to set up your MapKit JS private key and the pieces that you will need to be successful. Otherwise you will get a blank area where the map should be.

NOTE: This project includes three binary files (one each for macOS , Windows and Linux) which does the necessary work to create the temporary JWT Tokens that Apple uses for authentication. Make sure the MapKitSigner file for your platform is available.

If you have any questions about this (or any other of my projects) please contact me here or on my website.


The full source of this control and the Golang binary code is now available on Github.