Webcharts Localization not possible?

I like the ease of using the new WebChart class for Web 2.0 and the professional look.

But it seems that “localization” is not possible, right? I mean converting the decimal dot into a comma for instance. I searched a bit and it seems that chartjs.org doesn’t offer this out of the box, but there are “plugins” in JS, but I don’t think this is anything we could do on our own.

Has anyone faced the same issue, or perhaps even found as JS “hack”?

I opened <https://xojo.com/issue/62836> for this.

Check the OverrideOptions event. There should be a way to do this in there.

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I have seen that method, you mean I shall inject some Javascript there? I will look at the chartjs documentation. Seems to be a bit of a heavy load. If I understand it correctly, charts.org does not have the functionality out-of-the-box but you can change the source according to some documentation, not sure if override will let me do that. But I will play around with it and see. Thank you!

Ok, I see it is a JSON object, but something simple like

options.Value("labelString") = "Xojo"

passes the compiler, but no effect.

Getting closer to it:

options.Child("legend").value("display") = false

is working and indeed disabling the legend. But I have no idea yet what to add to change the decimal indicator …

I doubt we can user this, right? I don’t know how to handle this callback?


But I read that “moment.js” would do the job somewhere else, but the locale needs to get set before calling the chart, which I can’t influence either … Obviously moment would be for dates only. This seems to help on numbers: https://josephfitzsimmons.com/adding-a-thousands-separator-to-chartjss-y-axis-and-tooltips/

Issue 3755 is quite old, 2017 my god 3 years ago :astonished:. I guess things have changed since. Have a look at GitHub - chartjs/Chart.js: Simple HTML5 Charts using the tag maybe it may help.

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Yes, it is old, but the answer seems to be this valid. chartjs is not able to do localization (and apparently there are no plans either), as there are too many localizations. But as shown above they have implemented callback functions. Look at them as being kind of “webhooks” allowing you to inject your own JS routines. In such a callback you can for instance convert the number in the label to string(locale). I made this work on my own chartjs implementation.

But the issue is that we (Xojo users) don’t have direct access to chart.js. We only have this OverrideOptions event which does what its name implies. You can override options but I have no idea how we could be able to implement a callback in this event. Unfortunately, localization is important.Every customer will tell you “Perfectly done Jeannot, but now replace this dot with a comma please, or did you not pay attention at school” ;-). Now tell your customer that changing a dot to a comma is not possible and you are instantly in a big debate …

You can modify the labels using the ticks callback for that axis:

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Okay, I’m drawing this chart:

Done via a webchart and the following code in the respective events of the webChart

Opening Event:

    Var data() as double = Array(65.0,60.5,60.3,60.7,60.8)
    var labels() as string = Array("Item1","Item2","Item3","Item4","Item5")
    Var teccSet As New WebChartLinearDataset("Free in %", &c0000ff, true, data)
    teccSet.ChartType = WebChartLinearDataset.ChartTypes.Bar
    me.AddDataset( teccSet ) 
    me.AddLabels( labels )

OverrideOptions Event:

var injectionValue as new jsonItem
var injectionTicks as new jsonItem
var injectionyAxes as new jsonItem
var injectionScales as new jsonItem

injectionValue.value("min") = 0
injectionValue.value("max") = 100
injectionValue.value("beginAtZero") = true

injectionTicks.value("ticks") = injectionValue
injectionyAxes.value("yAxes") = injectionTicks
'injectionScales.value("scales") = injectionyAxes

options.value("scales") = injectionyAxes
'options.value("options") = injectionScales

None of this works, but according to the documentation it should … Webcharts Localization not possible? … But it is 2 am over here, I probably overlooked something.

yeah, there are many callbacks documented, but I have no idea how I can implement this w/o a custom control (probably not at all). All what the OverrideOptions Event offers is a jsonITEM Object :-(.

There is an example on that page in JavaScript that shows you what it should look like. I’ve not done anything with charts in Web 2.0 yet, so I can’t be of more help than to say: It doesn’t look like you’re passing a JavaScript function to the callback option.

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That’s true ;-), but I’m meanwhile only trying to set the yAxe to a fix minimum and maximum. As you can see in my above picture it currently starts at the lowest value in my data array. According to the documentation of chartjs we can change that behavior. According to @Greg_O_Lone we can use this override event for that purpose, but it already fails at this level … well I should probably say: I’m failing :-).

Having an influence on the axes would be great too. You should really try it BTW, it’s done very nicely and easy to get beautiful results, which look really nice on Retina.

I use my own charting solution based on ChartJS, GraffitiWebChart, in Web 1.0. Haven’t decided what I’m doing for Web 2.0 yet, but I’ve been considering alternatives to ChartJS for quite a while.

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A short nap and I can think again a bit clearer and I saw what I overlooked, yAxes is an Array, sigh!

So I got a customized lable done, and I get set the yAxes to a min, max and stepSize.

The Code in the OverrideOptions Event looks now like this:

var injectionTitleChild as new jsonItem
var injectionTitle as new jsonItem

injectionTitleChild.value("display") = true
injectionTitleChild.value("text") = "myExample"
injectionTitleChild.value("fontSize") = 20
injectionTitleChild.value("fontColor") = "#0096ff"
options.value("title") = injectionTitleChild

var injectionValue as new jsonItem
var injectionTicks as new jsonItem
var injectionyAxes as new jsonItem
var injectionScales as new jsonItem

injectionValue.value("min") = 0
injectionValue.value("max") = 100
injectionValue.value("stepSize") = 10
injectionTicks.value("ticks") = injectionValue
injectionyAxes.add injectionTicks
injectionScales.value("yAxes") = injectionyAxes

options.value("scales") = injectionScales

This can be kind of a workaround for my particular requirement, as enforcing the percentage yScale to go from 0 to 100 will overrule the doubles with decimal delimiter when the values are very clode and chartjs is “deciding” with scale to use best.

Now off to inject some Callbacks. I’m optimistic that I will be able to inject the callback, but nor sure yet how to make my own JavaScript available to DOM.

Working code in JavaScript:

But with the following code in Override Options:

var injectionTitleChild as new jsonItem
var injectionTitle as new jsonItem

injectionTitleChild.value("display") = true
injectionTitleChild.value("text") = "myExample"
injectionTitleChild.value("fontSize") = 20
injectionTitleChild.value("fontColor") = "#0096ff"
options.value("title") = injectionTitleChild

var injectionValue as new jsonItem
var injectionTicks as new jsonItem
var injectionyAxes as new jsonItem
var injectionScales as new jsonItem

'injectionValue.value("min") = 0
'injectionValue.value("max") = 100
'injectionValue.value("stepSize") = 10
'injectionValue.value("beginAtZero") = false
injectionValue.value("callback") = "function(value, index, values) { return '$' + value; }"
injectionTicks.value("ticks") = injectionValue
injectionyAxes.add injectionTicks
injectionScales.value("yAxes") = injectionyAxes

var interim as string = injectionScales.ToString

options.value("scales") = injectionScales

I’m getting this “result”:

It is valid JSON, looks the same than in standalone use of chartjs.org in pure HTML.

If the code would run, a simple.

return value.toLocaleString("de-DE");

would solve my issue. At least it does in the pure HTML / JS combo.

I suppose you are not allowing to run JavaScript, meaning callbacks? At least I learned many other things one can do with the WebChart :-). I have still a bit of hope, as it is doing “something”, breaking the rest of the code …

no news on this one ? I would like to format Y axis too to french format…
@Greg_O @Anthony_G_Cyphers @Ricardo_Cruz

The problem is that you can’t pass a JavaScript function to a JSONItem and have it executed. The recipient just sees a string.

just saw this javascript from @Ricardo_Cruz

could it be of any help here, to execute a callback we need to format Y axes ?

could also something like this work ?

scaleLabel : "<%= Number(value).toFixed(2).replace('.', ',') + ' $'%>"

from Chart.js - Formatting Y axis - Stack Overflow