Rehoming App Wrapper and/or the Ohanaware App Kit

I asked a few people if they like to get an additional product.

App Wrapper needs to be updated regularly with the ever changing rules from Apple and new Xcode versions.

I think it is a good business to take this over for some company looking into getting another product to offer to clients. And then adjust the product as needed over the year. if the revenue could support a living for Sam, it should support someone else, too.

Sam had many other things though, and your statement is assuming the Xojo community is as big as it was in the past…


I too have benefitted from Sam’s work and found him nothing but helpful when I ran into problems. Fortunately, I probably won’t need an updated version.

I wish you well Sam and thank you for your efforts on our behalf.



How much are we talking about for a buyout @Sam_Rowlands?

I potentially have the cash, but definitely don’t have the expertise to keep it updated. I might be happy to partner with someone who is wiser than I. I would imagine finding someone with the Xojo/Apple expertise will be harder than finding someone with the cash!


I could well imagine that it could be attractive for interested parties to see that there is an Object-C/Swift alternative that offers a tool like AppWrapper. Xojo should buy the code and market it further (e.g. for a subscription fee).


I don’t have any details but I don’t think we are talking a lot of sales here. I mean, it’s a niche Xojo market.
If big money was involved, I would think Sam would keep it to feed his 5 hungry faces. Even when he drops the Xojo platform. :slight_smile:


Xojo should realize that without that tool, many of the current xojo users would be looking at other tools…


Well, what Xojo should really do is hire Sam. But I think that ship has sailed.


I believe that Xojo Inc. (@Geoff_Perlman) should consider acquiring App Wrapper and offering it as a subscription-based additional service. Much of what App Wrapper accomplishes is integrated into Xcode, but not in Xojo. We all acknowledge that many projects are significantly easier to develop in Xojo compared to Xcode. However, I am quite certain that many potential users lean towards the Xcode path due to concerns that a program created with Xojo may encounter significant obstacles when it comes to being published on the Apple App Store.

If Xojo Inc. were to provide a tool that could address 99% of these obstacles, it would undoubtedly make the decision in favor of Xojo much simpler for many. Offering such a tool would not only enhance the attractiveness of Xojo as a development platform but also alleviate the apprehensions of those considering it as an option.

I really believe that. :slight_smile:


I think xojo has alot more todo than wrapping apps. We ‘wrap’ apps without app wrapper. I guess it’s more pointed towards a niche tha towards all xojo users.

By having that said why is sam not hiring someone to keep it updated and keeps selling it himself ? I wonder what sam is going to do otherwise?
Maybe a plugin dev or external dev would be a better fot for this product ?

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That’s irrelevant. If Sam doesn’t want to further develop the tool himself but doesn’t want to account to us about why he wants to give up the tool, we should respect that. :slight_smile:

Surely there are other things that Xojo will take care of. And it’s nice that you can easily get apps into the Apple Store. I am really happy about that. :+1:

Unfortunately, I know from my own experience that very strange effects can occur during the signing and transfer (and during the review). Those who don’t (or can’t) deal fully with these things are very grateful for a tool like this.
I personally was happy to pay for app wrappers instead of investing my meager time in Apple’s often difficult to understand App Store rules.

And there are a lot of highly professional users here, but Xojo is probably still particularly attractive for part-time and hobby developers.

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However, in markets with App stores, this is really important. Especially if Xojo wants to continue to offer a simple, effective end-to-end product.

Yes, @Christian_Schmitz , I think this could really be a great product for you. Even if you have a different way of working in general, this could be an opportunity to offer more structured products (and more remunerative). To have customers who are a little different / complementary, and who could discover your plugins at the same time.

What’s more, if Xojo Inc. doesn’t want to integrate this type of service, though essential in “new” markets where app distribution on OEM platforms is now part of the process, it would reassure the community that a very reliable Xojo partner is continuing the product.

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Most xojo users are here because they are not interested in using command line tools. After all, if you are going to use xcode, why not move all the development there…

Is that a Joke? Sam itself cant make a living selling the tool to the TINY comunity… hiding someone??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I mentioned this in another thread, but Xojo has never, in any of its branding, offered an “end to end” product. Xojo gets you up until the build completes. Final packaging and polish for distribution has always been left up to the developer. There are tools to assist you with that like Build Automation, but you still have to fill in those files and scripts.

That said, I’m not suggesting this is the way it should be. It would be fantastic for Xojo to handle building your signed disk image and signed Windows installer. But that’s a lot of work when Xojo already has an overfull plate.

App Wrapper is better left as a third party tool.


He has stated several times why he is leaving Xojo behind. Like many others, he no longer has any faith in Xojo the development tool or Xojo the company.


Just to note: There are free signing and notarization apps with GUI out there like SD Notary 2. I can say it works good for Inhouse-Apps. But i also appreciate App Wrapper, much more comprehensive.
Xcode does not allow cross platform compilation with GUI to macOS, Windows, Linux, does it? Thats why i use Xojo.


So where is it said that he couldn’t make a living from it? Ivan a little more respect would be great even towards everyone that reads now and in the future.

Again i wish the best for sam, so i see also possibilities. Not jokes like you.

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I guess it’s a great product for @Greg_O or juerg since i see them often talking about the topics that app wrapper fulfills.

@Jerry_Fritschle ,

I completely agree with you. Not hiring Sam is the biggest mistake Xojo inc. can make! They should reward him instead of putting him off.

When I see here, there is a lot of interest to buy App Wrapper. I am sure this excellent app will find a nice home.

@David_Cox ,

Tim Parnell is also interested in App Wrapper, maybe you can team up with him to secure the future of App Wrapper? It is worth a question not? And it can benefit both of you.

@Complainers and haters,

Sam put his idea, knowledge and efforts in App Wrapper, so it is his software and his decision what he does with it. To many others and myself, it sound perfectly OK that he sell and NOT open source it.

If in your opinion, Sam should open source App Wrapper, then buy it yourself and open source it. Everybody happy not?


What if the situation was Xojo acquires it or it ceases to exist?

This personally does not matter to me (outside of Xojo continued existence) because I don’t need what it does, but because of Xojo’s target audience, for many of those that do need it, it would be very difficult to do with out.

  • Karen