you don’t need virtual machine to mount an sd card on a mac do you ?
the sd card is formated extfs or something ? you can use disk utility to format and copy the os to it.
[quote=249113:@Jean-Yves Pochez]you don’t need virtual machine to mount an sd card on a mac do you ?
the sd card is formated extfs or something ? you can use disk utility to format and copy the os to it.[/quote]
On the mac the SD card was formated as FAT and then I used the dd command to transfer the image onto it.
the cp command of the mac terminal does not work for that ?
Don’t know. I did what I read at the docs.
dd is a bsd command, so directly available in the mac terminal app …
[quote=249134:@Jean-Yves Pochez]dd is a bsd command, so directly available in the mac terminal app …[/quote]
I know, that part works. But the Orange Pi don’t seem to boot. I’ll try and connect it to something that don’t use an adapter too(as Björn sugested) and see if that helps.
Got it to boot
when connected to my TV without any HDMI adapters.
Didn’t boot again after a simple reboot command. I’m putting it aside now for a while. I don’t want to risk it getting thrown out in the rain
Reboot command does not work yet ! I reported that to them some days ago.
Now that you got screen ability then you can experiment with configuring the DVI if you need that from the link I posted above. I was able to get full HD resolution from that but I did not need the -d option to test DVI.
The Orange Pi One works with the latest Armbian, released some days ago.
Easy install, worked directly.
(Post written on it.)
Just need to get the Wi-Fi adapter working now
Happy camper
I always install the full UI mode.
Then I do:
sudo apt-get install wicd
sudo apt-get install thunar-volman
sudo apt-get install gvfs
sudo apt-get install policykit-1
That installs a nice GUI manager to get the Wifi and all that working. As well as if the trash can is not on your desktop and USB sticks not auto mounting then this fixes that too.
I have only tried that on Orange PI 2 though still waiting on the shipment that has the Orange PI One.
By all means let me know if you get brave enough to attempt GPIO on it would be curious to know if we can get that working, that would really make it the most perfect candidate for projects where price matters. I have not had much time for the GPIO things lately so have neither attempted that on Orange PI’s nor the Banana PI’s but I think I saw some posts on the Armbian lists on it. Question is though if we would need to link agains some other library.
Yepp, full gui.
There seems to already be a network manager installed but it does not find my wifi adapter. I’ll have to try another one
I followed the instructions here
to install a port of wiringPi(I think it’s a port) on it. Connected a little buzzer and ran a python script and voila, BEEEEEEEEEP
(I’m now partially deaf)
The GPIO header is flipped on the board compared to the RPi2/Zero…
Awsome !
Now we just need to figure out how to run it from Xojo !
Orangepi and gpio, perhaps this helps:
GPIO OrangePi Docs
[quote=253398:@Derk Jochems]Orangepi and gpio, perhaps this helps:
GPIO OrangePi Docs [/quote]
I’ll give this a go when I’ve got the time
Instructions here is a 404.
Found this instead: GitHub - zhaolei/WiringOP: This is a GPIO access library for OrangePi. It is based on the original WiringPi for Raspberry Pi.
Don’t know how to try this though, examples are in C witch is knowledge I don’t have
This is the script I made to get a simple buzzer to work with the instructions on Instructables, if it’s of any interest
from pyA20.gpio import gpio
from pyA20.gpio import port
import time
gpio.setcfg(port.PA6, gpio.OUTPUT)
# . . .
for x in range(0, 3):
gpio.output(port.PA6, gpio.LOW)
gpio.output(port.PA6, gpio.HIGH)
# - - -
for x in range(0, 3):
gpio.output(port.PA6, gpio.LOW)
gpio.output(port.PA6, gpio.HIGH)
# . . .
for x in range(0, 3):
gpio.output(port.PA6, gpio.LOW)
gpio.output(port.PA6, gpio.HIGH)
Pi Zero got an upgrade! It now has the missing camera connector
What about:
Just a few day’s to go!
any kickstarter project = wait and see …
often the real availability of the project is years away !
I’m still waiting for my C.H.I.P…