Problem compiling a project on ChromeBook in the Linux Environment

From what I understand, it’s Crostini which is build on Linux-KVM.



Now that I’ve done some reading about this, it’s entirely possible that the problem is the Crostini sandbox. It looks like the container itself is read-only and that may be preventing the compiler from creating temp files.

I’m going to suggest that you download the tgz file and decompress it into a folder other than /opt, perhaps somewhere in your user space and that you redirect temp to another (known writable) location as well by changing the environment variable for this process.

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So I did what you suggested, create a tmp folder with 777 permissions,
changed some local environment variables

export TEMP=/usr/local/tmp
export TMPDIR=/usr/local/tmp

I downloaded the .tgz, did a tar -xvzf on it.

I made sure I had at least 5 Gb of disk space free.

But, when running Xojo, still same error.


This might sound weird, and I had to install Xojo twice to be able to get all of the read-only files to be writable again.

sudo dpkg -i /home/eugenedakin/Downloads/xojo2022r41.deb
sudo dpkg -i /home/eugenedakin/Downloads/xojo2022r41.deb

Initially, I was finding that opening the installed Xojo program would not remember settings, such as ‘small icons and labels’ After installing xojo2022r41.deb a second time, then the proper settings were created and the Xojo IDE remembered the settings.

I am running Ubuntu 2022.04.1, on a Oracle VM VirtualBox with Windows 11.

One thing that I don’t see above - how many processors and how much RAM do you have assigned to the VM? I never run Xojo in a VM with less than 4 procs and 8GB of RAM assigned.


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I have installed many VM. Just to make sure, I have restarted this process with VirtualBox, a 20 Gb of HD and 8 Gb of RAM machine and 2 procs.

On KDE, everthing works. On GNOME, I get the same error I get on my ChromeBook.
I made a new post about it:


You don’t need to make more than one thread.

The 2 setup are very different.

One is on ChromeBook, and its component that I can’t change, and only people with a ChromeBook or even perhaps the same as me can replicate the problem.

The other is on a new Debian v11.6 installation from scratch on a VirtualBox setup that anybody can replicate at home. I can even share the receipe to them.

It’s realy 2 different problems/situations, that just happen to give the same error message.



You already have a thread about this over here:

Please don’t double-post

Like I said, they are really 2 differents threads.

The thread you are pointing was written AFTER this one.

If one gets fixed, it doesn’t mean the other will work.

This thread is really about Xojo on a ChromeBook. If I could rename it to “Xojo on a ChromeBook + Linux Developer Environment not compiling”.

The other thread is not about ChromeBook, but a VM on VirtualBox. Not the same hardware, not the same software.

Regards, Antoine

As a follow-up, I want to say that I tested this issue with the new v2023r1 release today, and the problem still occurs.

@Greg_O : is it possible to rename this issue as:
Problem compiling a project on ChromeBook in the Linux Environment.

Antoine Beaubien

You can ‘flag’ your OP and ask a moderator to change the title if you can’t.

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There’s potential that this may be the same issue as I’m not sure if you are able to try the workaround listed in that case, but if not, make sure to try the next version that comes out.

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@William_Yu : Thanks!

I had to change a bit the command so that it works.

sudo mv /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libLLVM* /tmp/Xojo

Running from the shell, I get these warning. Some are new. I’m just putting this here for reference/curiosity.

$ ~/ 
libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to open virtio_gpu: /usr/lib/dri/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (search paths /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri:\$${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)

libEGL warning: MESA-LOADER: failed to open swrast: /usr/lib/dri/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (search paths /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri:\$${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)

EGLDisplay Initialization failed: EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED
failed to load code unit /home/antoine/Xojo/2023.01.00.59673/Precompiled Plugins/Plugins0GUILinuxGTKx86_64.o: failed to open file
failed to load code unit /home/antoine/Xojo/2023.01.00.59673/Precompiled Plugins/Plugins1GUILinuxGTKx86_64.o: failed to open file
failed to load code unit /home/antoine/Xojo/2023.01.00.59673/Precompiled Plugins/Plugins2GUILinuxGTKx86_64.o: failed to open file

Thanks for the patch/hack.


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