When I double-click on a PDF file it opens Safari and displays the file there. I want it to display in Preview as it always has on my Mac. I have tried changing the file association in Finder by right-clicking on a PDF file, using Open With…, selecting Preview (I have to change the drop-down to All Applications as Preview is dimmed in Recommended Applications).
I then click on the Change All button but don’t get the usual dialog asking if I want to continue with this permanent change and there is no effect. Preview then opens but no file is displayed and every other PDF file still shows Safari as the default application.
Whatever I try doesn’t seem to work.
Has anybody out there come across this and did you find a solution?
Just yesterday had a problem with pdf files and Preview also. I’m also using OS X 10.10.3.
My problem is when I would select a pdf file in the Finder then click the Quickview icon I would get a window with the file icon, not a look at the content of the pdf. When I double click on the pdf I would get an open-with application list.
Preview in 10.10 is lame, Apple have crippled it beyond belief. It no longer opens so many of files. To boot, the system no longer generates previews for me for PSD files, GIFs and a couple of other formats.
Nota: The computer is a MacBook Pro 13" from 2014-11-23 and comes with Yosemite pre-installed.
I applied all updates since then.
On the other hand, I used Preview to build panorama from scan png files and I was happy with the transparency I had with Mavericks and prior OS version. Yosemite removed that transparency: this is an OS feature (I tried a Mavericks Preview running on Yosemite and I do not have transparency).
For the vanished file types: did you try to press the option key while clicking in the File Type popup (at image saving time) ?
this add a lot of file types.
Yosemite 10.10.3, its Preview and the Save’ File Type formats Popup List.
if you have downloaded and runned the Axel project sample (Text file conversion or Graphic textarea), you’ve fallen into this problem.
If you look in the project there is an object that points to com.adobe filetype. etc, remove and re-run the program and everything will return to normal.
Preview app will function again.
Hold down the option key to get these formats, that used to be there.
What a counter productive mechanism, just like making the maximize button the full screen button. What’s with this crap of having to remember key-combos to traditional functionality back. I actually hate using apps in full screen, but I do like having the window maximized (so I can still see the dock and menubar).
some mechanism used in OS X (I am less experimented with Windows, but they have too) are taking some shortcuts assuming you want to do this or that and act accordingly. Most of the time, for me, this is not teh case.
The maximize button (in Yosemite) is sometimes the same as the full screen button. And this is a shame. I do not understand the pattern as sometimes a click in the indows green dot expand the window, and hopefully not to full screen.
Other stupid (IMHO) decision in Yosemite (French layout) is to display the shortcut key using a character I do not have on my keyboard: Finder, Presentation, by icon shortcut is cmd-& (it was cmd-1). Yes bad example.
Preview: option-cmd-É: how do I get an acute uppercase e on the keyboard ?
Answer: option-cmd-1.
At last, in the Finder, to set a View by (Icon, List, whatever), during the eyars, we have to use cmd-shift1 or 2 or . Then on one OS X version the shift was removed (cmd-1, cmd-2, ), then the shift key was re-added and now with Yosemite, the shift key have been removed. Now, every once or twice a row, I (now wrongy) press the shift key. What will be the behavior in the next version ? (10.11 ???)
This looks like if they do not use their own OS ;-
[quote=181869:@luciano monti]if you have downloaded and runned the Axel project sample (Text file conversion or Graphic textarea), you’ve fallen into this problem.
If you look in the project there is an object that points to com.adobe filetype. etc, remove and re-run the program and everything will return to normal.
Preview app will function again.[/quote]
you mean ‘com.adobe.pdf’ ?
if you add a file type in Xojo (application/pdf) you get this, but that should be no problem.
yes Axel, is not a problem, but this happened to me.
After run it I have choose a text file from my desk and than transform it to pdf.
Soon all pdf files have changed the standard icon preview to adobe pdf icon and than I wasn’t able to open my pdfs with the standard preview application.
Only after that I have done the above action ( remove com.adobe.pdf string) and re-run it everything back normal.
I have yosemite 10.10.3.
I want to thanks you for all very interesting projects shared with us.
[quote=181869:@luciano monti]if you have downloaded and runned the Axel project sample (Text file conversion or Graphic textarea), you’ve fallen into this problem.
If you look in the project there is an object that points to com.adobe filetype. etc, remove and re-run the program and everything will return to normal.
Preview app will function again.[/quote]
There was a bug in 2015r2 <https://xojo.com/issue/38576> (visible to beta testers) which Norman reported as fixed just a few days ago. Hopefully the fix will be available very soon. I had also been suffering a lot of problems with it.
My app also uses this filetype and i was looking for the last 2 days, deleting some files, creating some users and finally re-installed my complete mac. This should be an emergency update and the xojo customers should have been informed.