Ok, found it in the beta forum. But this means that i always have to look into the forums afters a new final release was released.
You are part of the beta group according to your tag line
Sadly that announcement doesn’t say what changed nor does the link in the downloads page. It lists the changes for 2015r2. With some munging of urls I found this: http://documentation.xojo.com/index.php/Changes_2015r2.1
In the downloaded dmg:
Xojo 2015 Release 2.1/documentation/ReleaseNotes.htm
But yes a link or the release notes would be nice.
To all OS X users:
If you want to know a file UTI, run the following AppleScript (and prey):
tell application "Finder"
return info for (item "Xojo Reference Guide.pdf" of front window as alias)
end tell
a. You have to have the folder that own the file “Xojo Reference Guide.pdf” open and frontmost in the Finder,
b. Your OS have to know the selected file UTI.
To do that on a file of your choise, change the item string contents (from “” to “my-file-name”)
A larger version of the first script example is:
[code]tell application “Finder”
# a. Set the name of the file you want to get info for
set fileName to “Xojo Reference Guide.pdf”
# b. Get the Kind property
set fileKind to kind of item fileName of front window
# c. Get the Info For Reply
set fileInfoFor to info for (item fileName of front window as alias)
# d. Extract the Type Identifier Property from the Info For Reply
# Xojo know that Property under the UTI name (Universal Type Identifier)
set fileTypeIdentifier to type identifier of fileInfoFor
# e. Build the report string
set fileReport to "Information about the selected file" & return & return & ¬
"File Name: " & fileName & return & ¬
"File kind: " & fileKind & return & ¬
"Type Identifier (UTI): " & fileTypeIdentifier
# f. Display the report string in a dialog
display dialog fileReport
# g. Display the report string in the result field (so you can copy the Type Identifier)
return fileReport
end tell[/code]
Of course, one can add a select file dialog instead of setting the file name manually
[code]tell application “Finder”
# a. Let the user choose a file
set fileUser to choose file #default location (target of front window as alias)
# b. Set the name of the file you want to get info for
set fileName to name of fileUser
# c. Get the Kind property
set fileKind to kind of fileUser
# d. Get the Info For Reply
set fileInfoFor to info for fileUser
# e. Extract the Type Identifier Property from the Info For Reply
# Xojo know that Property under the UTI name (Universal Type Identifier)
set fileTypeIdentifier to type identifier of fileInfoFor
# f. Build the report string
set fileReport to "Information about the selected file" & return & return & ¬
"File Name: " & fileName & return & ¬
"File kind: " & fileKind & return & ¬
"Type Identifier (UTI): " & fileTypeIdentifier
# g. Display the report string in a dialog
display dialog fileReport
# h. Back to the Script Editor application
tell me to activate
# i. Display the report string in the result field (so you can copy the Type Identifier)
return fileReport
end tell[/code]
At last: if you get an UTI that looks like dyn.age80g2x4, that kind of file is unknow.
I hope this help.
And how do i fix the “can’t open pdf with preview” bug? I really don’t wanna to set up a new UserAccount. Is there a quick solution to this Xojo related Bug?
//Edit: Already tried: Deleting com.apple.preview.plist ; repaired access privileges
For me it worked like @luciano monti describes above: Remove your filetype from your Xojo app and restart your app. After a reboot all was fine again for me. And then install Xojo 2015R2.1.
Ok. Got it. Removed the whole FileType “Container” from random app. run the app. don’t save and exit, restart. Works. Thanks!.. Got it wrong in first time
Sorry to bring up this old thread.
I’m currently still facing this issue. I am using OS X 10.10.4 and Xojo 2015R2.2 ?
It only seems to affect this one macbook pro which I am currently using for development but not on the other mac that I have or when I log in as a different user.
I tried the above solution that @luciano monti offered but it still didn’t fix the issue for me.
I’ve already uninstalled Adobe and rebooted my mac several times.
Is there actually a way I could reset the behavior of Preview app ?
I’ve got a reply from the Apple Community, it seems like the solution here solves the issue
Just have to run this line in Terminal
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -seed
[quote=198126:@Edwin Lau]I’ve got a reply from the Apple Community, it seems like the solution here solves the issue
Just have to run this line in Terminal
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -seed[/quote]
this work!!! i have this problem since march!!!
Glad to help. I had the problem probably around the same time and it was frustrating since the Preview.app is one of my commonly used productivity tool.