Polish Xojo Users Meeting - Leszno, December 2022

I’ve also been silently following the thread, and I agree with @Mark_Mitchell1 – I love all of this.


@Pawel_Soltysinski This is awesome - thanks for sharing and keeping us updated!


Next meeting March 4. Maybe we can get in touch with You online? You will meet young people and perhaps give them your regards?


Nice work guys.

I’m curious. A few years ago Xojo was selling licenses to the ministry of education in Poland. Do you think this is a reflection/echo of that time?

It would be nice for Xojo here in the US to be able to attract young developers like you guys are

I don’t know what it looks like now, but I don’t think anyone has ever seen these licenses. What is happening with XOJO in PL is rather an initiative of several private programmers. But we will fight to make XOJO appear in schools. We teach it optionally in our school, but @Paulina_Drzazga also runs a nice program “Girls can code” and there is only XOJO. This year is the second edition of this project. Look at Dziewczyny Programują - Laboratorium Programistów - Strony www oraz tworzenie aplikacji Leszno


We have also prepared online xojo courses for young people with English subtitles. Maybe this will help you get started. Codes for individual courses to have for free are CODEMEET2, CODEMEET3 etc - Link: https://www.udemy.com/user/paulina-z-halpress/

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We are attracting younger developers worldwide and there are schools across the US that teach programming with Xojo. As I said in the keynote address at the last XDC, the Under 24 year old age bracket has been consistently increasing for years.


That’s terrific. Be sure they know about our curriculum. They could use some of it to save time creating a text book.


Thank you so much for supporting Xojo in the classroom!


I think this is a good start for a nice cooperation between us :slight_smile:


I would be interested in attending virtually in March. Unfortunately, however, I’m an English-only person so my participation would be rather limited.

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I’m interested in attending too (physically) if being an English speaker isn’t an issue.


It is not a problem. We can translate what you will say to participants and vice versa

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No problem. There will be people who will translate for others

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great then :slight_smile: will you get there by car or plane? I can pick you up from airport in Poznań or Berlin.

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If I come it would be by plane. :slightly_smiling_face:

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consider flight to Poznań (POZ) or Wrocław (WRO) since both locations are close to Leszno and manageable to pick you up :slight_smile:

We will also provide accommodation :slight_smile:

If by your own plane, we also have a private airport in Leszno. No problem :slight_smile:

Jeżeli pojawicie się na spotkaniu, prosimy o rejestrację tym razem, aby się lepiej organizacyjnie przygotować i nie zgubić potem do Was kontaktu.

If you appear at the meeting, please register this time to be better prepared organizationally and not to lose contact with you later.

Link: Szczegóły wydarzenia - Strony www oraz tworzenie aplikacji Leszno