I’ve written 2 apps with xojo a few month ago. Since a while (some weeks?) the apps don’t start correctly.
The wondering issue about that is: when i start the apps they disappear immediately after showing the launch screen.
When i look into the running apps (swiping up on my iPhoneX) it shows the main view of the app, but i’m not able to bring it to the foreground.
Has anyone an idea?
I tried to compile it again (Xojo 2018r4, Xcode 10.1) but the behavior isn’t different.
Sorry for my late reply, but i was very busy with an other project.
I followed your advice and refreshed the provisioning profile but no success. After that i created new profiles but with no effect.
I use the iOsLib and found some warnings that some functions are not 64Bit savvy. Could this cause this Problem?
When you plug your iPhone to your Mac and open Xcode, you should be able to see the crash logs in the Devices view (Xcode menu > Window > Devices and Simulators)
You will need to check the crash logs to see what is happening.
The apps would have crashed since the beginning if this was the problem.
The crashlog shows no entries. The App doesnt Crash , it seems that it goes immediately into the background. If i swipe up (iPhoneX) to see all active apps it is shown but i cant get it into the foreground?!
I seem to have basically the same problem… When I tap my app it seems to open but then disappears… It runs fine in the debugger… I have cleaned out my keychain, created a brand new certificate, new provisioning profile…
I am running on a iPad Air 1 under 12.1.4. Xojo 2018R4.
Sorry for my long absence - i’m very Busi with a large project.
I couldn’t solve it yet, but i’m sure it’s a certificate issue as Jeremie already mentioned.
If my head is free again i will try to solve this and give a feedback.
[quote=427359:@James Meyer]There is no entries at all in the crash logs.
I also tried a very simple test app and am having the same problem with it… so I do not think it is the app.[/quote]
Make sure the development certificate on your device hasn’t expired.
I have a brand new certificate… along with new provisioning file.
When I am in XCode->Preferences->Accounts, I see 2 “Teams”… the first is my name with a “Role” of “User”… the second is my company name with “Role” of “Agent”… When I create the certificate which one of those should be selected?
Just remembered that Apple refactored their role mechanism on their website. Have you looked to make sure everything is as it should be on your account online?
You should have at the very least:
0. A Development certificate for your machine
0. A Device ID for your physical devices
0. A Development Provisioning Profile for your app
[quote=427377:@Greg O’Lone]Just remembered that Apple refactored their role mechanism on their website. Have you looked to make sure everything is as it should be on your account online?
You should have at the very least:
0. A Development certificate for your machine
0. A Device ID for your physical devices
0. A Development Provisioning Profile for your app[/quote]
I certainly think I have done all that… I have screen shots that will show what I have…
I am going nuts with this… At this point I cannot get any Xojo built apps to run on my iPhone… Including the TipsCalculator example project.
I have gone into Keychain and deleted all my iPhone certificates… I also deleted all my Provision Profiles from “developer.apple.com” and using the Finder from the ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/ on my Mac.
I created a new iOS Development Certificate via “developer.apple.com” by getting the “signing request”, then the .cer which I then double clicked to install in my Mac Keychain… and based on what I see in the Keychain it appears to be OK. (Also, when I build the app I am asked if it is ok to use the certificate… so it seems that it is finding it OK.) I have also tried creating the certificate from Xcode Preferences->Accounts Manage Certificates but get the same result.
I created a new App ID via “developer.apple.com” called “com.varsitysystems.tips”.
I created a new Provisioning Profile via “developer.apple.com” and included the certificate from above, my iPhone device and the “com.varsitysystems.com.tips” app ID from above.
I launched 2018R4 and opened the TipsCalculator project… changed the Code Signing->Team to my proper and only value and set the Build->Bundle Identifier to “com.varsitysystems.tips”.
I save the project and built the app… there were no errors.
Using Xcode (10.1) Windows->Devices and Simulators copied the .app file onto my iPhone (12.1.4). The Provisioning Profile shows up in the iPhone’s list as seen in Xcode… but I have also tried copying it manually from my desktop onto the phone with Xcode… (right click on the device and select “Show Provisioning Profiles…”.)
When I tap the app on the phone it briefly opens then just disappears… I never actually see the “view”. Also have the same problem on my iPad Air running the same version of iOS.
There are no entries in device logs as seen from Xcode… the latest entry is from almost 2 years ago.