MBS Xojo Conference, 27th November 2015 in London

my favor would be reporting Bob… would like to see your products in action…

Bob registered for the conference, so we will be delighted for a presentation about his Shorts reporting tool. :slight_smile:

This Cartoon I’ve found today… could not stop smiling :wink:

Looking forward!

Hi folks,
Just a quick note; owing to a somewhat unexpected family emergency I’m having to take some time off over the next few weeks, so I’m not going to be able to come; Tom likewise can’t take much time out, so we’ve had to pull out. It’s a real shame - we were looking forward to coming and seeing you all - and I was quite looking forward to presenting, too!
I do hope to be able to see you all again sometime soon.
For those not from the UK, do try to make sure you have a pint of English beer - not as cold as lager, darker, and not fizzy. Look for something like London Pride, Spitfire, or IPA, Abbot Ale, and so on.

We’ll miss you.

Sorry to hear about the unexpected event.
Thank you for the pint appointment… I drink beer, but I’m not anywhere near an expert of any kind…!
I’ll make sure to try at least one of these. Why not all three??

I look forward to meet with you at a later event!

What a surprise! Bob would actually make it! Wow…!

with recent registration (and cancellation) we are now at 25.

More last minute registrations?

If you want to submit questions to me ahead of time for the video session please send them to norman@xojo.com
I’ll do my best to answer as many things as I can during the session

Just a question: since I will not be able to join this time, I would like to check if there is a possibility to get presentations and video with Norman afterwards, as I am willing to contribute a payment for that.

As Christian said somewhere before, no promise. I will bring my video/audio recording stuff to london though I can’t promise how the result will look like.

We don’t make promises on video.

So the first one is en route to London, hopefully arriving for breakfast tomorrow…

Bob and Carol Keeney already arrive in London.

Well then I have to correct myself, I am just the 3rd one :slight_smile:

I’m all ready to meet with you!
All is packed…

I look forward to the dinner and to the interesting conversation! :slight_smile:

Meanwhile I am preparing myself… this is my audible audiobook listening now… :slight_smile:

I’ll meet you at 19:00, right!?
I think I read that time somewhere, I just forgot where that was!

I’m off now…

7 pm or 19:00, but be sure to adjust your clock to right time zone.
You can of course go there an hour earlier or later.

iPhone adjusts automatically :slight_smile:

And landed. Now I have to find Wimbledon :slight_smile:
See you guys later!