MAS Review Rejection

I have an application in the MAS for review and I got the following rejection. I have no idea at all of what to do. The only plugin I’m using are MBS plugin and FTC. I am using some free code/classes, like FileStream, ListBoxPrinter, hrChart, CustomTabPanelClasses and maybe some others.

Help please.

[quote]The use of non-public APIs can lead to a poor user experience should these APIs change in the future, and is therefore not permitted. The following non-public APIs are included in your application:

: pcre_compile
: pcre_exec
: pcre_free
: pcre_free_substring_list
: pcre_get_substring
: pcre_get_substring_list
: pcre_malloc
: pcre_study[/quote]

This is regular expression stuff. How this is non-public APIs is beyond me. Pretty standard library of UNIXy stuff,

Generally speaking, Apple discourages linking to libraries in /usr/lib because of ABI compatibility concerns. This is why we link pcre statically for the RegEx class.

Thanks Brad.

I do not use regular expression, to dumb to understand.

Did a search of my source and Format Text Control has some. Think I need to check with Bob Keeney.

Same problem here:

2.5: Apps that use non-public APIs will be rejected


The use of non-public APIs can lead to a poor user experience should these APIs change in the future, and is therefore not permitted. The following non-public APIs are included in your application:

: pcre_compile
: pcre_exec
: pcre_free
: pcre_free_substring_list
: pcre_get_substring
: pcre_get_substring_list
: pcre_malloc
: pcre_study

Seems the RegEx plugin links to that exact path “/usr/lib/libpcre.0.dylib”. Maybe Apple want the application to be linked against the link “/usr/lib/libpcre.dylib” rather than the dylib explicitly.

For 10.7 there is NSRegularExpression

Ugh, so it does. It’s meant to be linked statically against our own version of pcre.

Filed as case 34392 and fixed for a future release.

Thanks Joe.

By future release, do you mean R3 or a potential R2.1?

For the time until r3 you can use MBS RegEx plugin. Also links only statically.

The only ‘RegExp’ in my application are in FTC. Do you use FTC also?

Likely a 2.1 build

Joe fixed it already :slight_smile:

May I ask how? With MBS plugins or by Xojo?

Joe fixed the RegEx plugin built into Xojo.

if you need to workaround the issue today, you can use plugin.

So if I understand, any app built with Xojo 2014r2 will be rejected by the MAS.

For the moment (if you’re using RegEx).
This one pointed out a build issue that we’ve already corrected for an updated release.
Likely a 2.1 build

Any app built with Xojo 2014r2 that uses RegEx, yeah.

Ah yes has to use Regex - not all apps