Ventura version 13.3.1(a) causes a major crash in the latest version of MicMac. For some functions, I test the OS version with “<” or “>” operators associated with system.version.Majorversion/Minorversion, except the latest version includes an alphanumeric character “(a)”! which causes an OutOfBoundsException as soon as the app is launched.
Posting of a corrigendum (normally) on Monday at the latest.
The thread about this topic is a couple of lines below your thread.
And you app should handle all exceptions.
Not a major crash, a minor one because of exception not handled. you can display something more friendly or manage the exception.
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Which version of Xojo are you using?
This was supposed to be fixed for Xojo 2022r4 but still happens on Japanese and Chinese systems.
More info here
I use Xojo 2022r4 french and no it is not fixed. I replaced with the excellent ProcessInfo class from
MicMac 1.5.3 is now online for download at
It was supposed to be fixed in Xojo 2022r4.1
71254 Fixed a bug in System.Version for macOS (13.2, after installing Security A)|
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