Localization in IDE strange things

There is strange things in the IDE between projects I began many years ago (more than 10 years) and those I began lately (4 years).
I use a Module “Localisation”, I added a “‡” at the beginning of the default language value when I began Xojo to understand when it is used, and I continue (and I still not understand when it’s used).
But my question is when I display the menu in the IDE. Why sometimes it is in English and sometimes in French?
App-A_…” are screencaptures of an application, “App-B_…” are screencaptures of another one.

In the “build settings” pane of the “shared” section, are “language” values the same among projects?

Yes they are the same. I put the screencapture.

Why this instead of # ? (I think).

You do not show the Quit Menu Name (Quit / Quitter). Otherwise, I cannot say anything, you do not show the relevant parts.

You show Cancel / Annuler, but not the MenuItem in the MenuBar…

In last Xojo & Big Sur, a currently loaded project (created with 2015r1) show Quit in French, but I was not able to reach where in my project the French sentence is…

I think I wasn’t clear, both of my applications are in French and in English.
As we see on one of my screencapture, the application is “ToroMind” and we see “File” then “New game…”, Create combination", “Paste combination” and so on in English.
On the other screencapture, this is the application “ToroNess”, we see “‡Fichier” then “‡Nouvelle Fiche”, “‡Ouvrir fiche” and so on. All are the defaults values but why it is not the English values, or the French (the normal ones, those without ‡) ?

Localization can be a bit tricky. We can’t see enough information from your screenshots to have a definitive answer for what exactly you’re seeing. There are a couple blog posts that might help clarify though:


My applications run fine, it is in the IDE. When I want to modify my menu in the IDE, it is in default values (French) in one program and in English in the other.