Tim can you give ma an example of this?
So, I added the redirects feature to make URL redirects without having to install PHP and write a one line script (my old quick n dirty redirect method). Lifeboat configures the redirect at the nginx level, which saves some steps for everyone involved.
When I built the feature, Lifeboat would only redirect the full address that was defined.
If a visitor were to add anything after that address, a server would respond with a 404 (not found). This behavior still exists, but I’ve added two new behaviors where the server can be configured to wildcard match anything after the path you defined.
With this option enabled, the URL https://example.com/path/1234
would now respond as a redirect, even though it wasn’t explicitly defined. The second checkbox enables capturing the wildcard match and appending it to the redirect address. This would be useful if you are moving a blog (or things with permalinks).
It was actually really difficult to come up with wording for these checkboxes. I hope this description helps clarify how the feature works. I have the feature running on some personal addresses, so if you would like a live demonstration shoot me a private message.
Build 131
Debian 12 support is here!
A very important release, this build updates the libssh2 library making Lifeboat capable of connecting to Debian 12 and Ubuntu 22 using more secure hashing algorithms. This update is recommended for all users who wish to be able to connect to Ubuntu 22 using RSA keys (the default on Lightsail).
Another cool feature added to this version is the ability to connect to servers using Terminal that were configured in Lifeboat. For now, this is a macOS only feature and requires Apple Scripting permission. Several other bugs have been fixed as well.
Changes in Build 131
New: Support for Debian 12
New: Launch connection in Terminal.app (macOS Only)
New: Wildcard redirect settings are now indicated in list view
New: SSL configuration can now resolve some certbot issues
Fixed: Connections to Ubuntu 22 with RSA keys now work
Fixed: Uppercase letters in domains with SSL no longer cause a configuration error
Fixed: Manual SSL process for Ubuntu 22 no longer incorrectly fails
Fixed: Manual SSL will no longer cause a RuntimeException with incomplete certificate chains
Changed: Improved optimization of SSL configuration procedure
Download Lifeboat and try it out for free today!
Build 143
Building libraries on Windows is hard! The previous version of Lifeboat updating the libssh2 library unintentionally required Visual Studio be installed in order to work. Thanks to the community for their help in debugging the issue. This has been resolved with today’s update.
Changes in Build 143
Fixed: Windows no longer requires Visual Studio installed on the system
Fixed: Windows installer cleans up no longer used library files
Fixed: Show IP in titlebar setting now updates any open server window
Fixed: Errors early in the connection process no longer cause a RuntimeException
Changed: Improved demo mode experience with servers configured while licensed
More information about Lifeboat
Download Lifeboat and try it out for free today
Happy coding!
Hello Tim,
The link to lifeboat is wrong, should be
Without the double ii.
Thanks for the heads up and the fixed link! I don’t always include the more info link, so it appears I typo’d it
We are a demanding customer. Our clientele are primarily in the large enterprise, financial service, and insurance sectors. The pressure to deliver quickly is high.
We have encountered some pretty unique and complex issues in our Lifeboat deployments.
Strawberry Software has regularly gone above and beyond in providing us assistance. I believe such exemplary service merits unsolicited public recognition.
Thanks Tim.
I wholeheartedly agree! Tim has always been wonderful to work with, is super responsive and always solution orientated. He’s a gem within the community, not just with the various products he’s produced, but also in his deep knowledge of Xojo.
Thank you for your very kind messages!
I am glad that my products and posts are helpful. This means a lot to me, and is reason for me to keep trying.
My goal is to make deployment easy for everyone and I strive to build Lifeboat to be the best it can be. Feedback of any kind helps me improve Lifeboat, so I welcome everything from bug reports to questions about your specific needs. Please reach out anytime by email to support@strawberrysw.com
As always, best wishes and happy coding to everyone!
Any plan to support Apple Silicon servers for mind blowing performance? An M2 Ultra is an insane server. MacWeb Computing can be interested to help you on that by providing a server.
Lifeboat supports ARM Linux servers which can offer performance benefits to users.
Unfortunately, it’s just not financially feasible for me to offer macOS as a target server platform. I do welcome contracts for custom needs. For business inquiries my email address is support@strawberrysw.com
Build 149
With the recent discussion of the HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attack, I’ve added an option to disable HTTP/2 support on a per-server basis. According to the nginx blog servers using the default settings prevent this kind of attack. Lifeboat does not raise the default limits, but any user who is concerned may disable HTTP/2 via the new server setting.
Changes in Build 149
New: Servers are now disconnected upon sleep
New: HTTP/2 is now optional in the server nginx settings
Fixed: Web apps can now be configured to communicate with http2
More information about Lifeboat
Download Lifeboat and try it out for free today
Happy coding!
So with HTTP/2 disabled, we need to connect using HTTP/1? How is that safer?
Hola Tim, te mande un email, porque actualice la versión y no me di cuenta que la licencia se me había vencido, te mande consulta para renovar pero mientras estoy trancado como me bajo la anterior?
Gracias Alberto!.
The idea is that by not communicating with HTTP/2 the server can’t be a victim of this HTTP/2 specific attack.
The instructions for extending a license can be found here: Extend an existing license
I welcome both extensions to both active update periods or update periods that have lapsed! Extensions and renewals both get a huge discount. Active update periods get an additional year added on. Expired update periods get a year starting from the date of renewal. In short, you get whatever period is longest! I love my users and want you to love my software.
Older versions are always available to licensed users. Please reach out to me by email (support@strawberrysw.com) to get a download link and ensure none of the differences will cause you issues.
(This is worded generally for anyone who finds this post. Mauricio and I are already in contact privately.)
I deleted my post as this is the official information:
I was not able to edit my post to change it to: “see Tim’s answer”
I get the idea, but I’m wondering whether HTTP/1, presumably older, doesn’t have more flaws than HTTP/2 and would therefore be not better.
You may wish to start your own thread for that in an effort to get input from experts in the area. I’ve done a quick search, but can’t find anyone commenting on the differences in security. Everything I see talks about the performance improvements.