Just Quick question, more and more backend uses dockers images, are you planning on supporting docker?
Lifeboat sets up an instance by installing a bunch of things and pre-configuring the instance for you. That’s what Docker is too… What kind of support would I add?
Lifeboat is already kind of Docker + an Admin Panel all in one, with a specialty for Xojo Web.
Yes sure that’s why lieboat is great,
but for example, we use docker image for postres instead of regular instal, and younger devs, they do everything in docker, it has some advantages, so maybe could have a docker image tab, to monitors instal, versions upadate and status of pg and else. Well juste a thought, so lifeboats covers all use cases, but it’s already great, thanks a lot for making it, game changer !
Hi Tim,
How do we get rid of the offline page altogether?
I don’t like this kind of feature plus I don’t like the fact that you added an obfuscated script into that page.
You will need to delete a file, I will send you a direct message. I will add an option to turn it off from Lifeboat.
I did announce the script is the automatic reload script. It’s the top change note and the big new thing for this release.
I chose to obfuscate it because not all people are good. I put a lot of work into Lifeboat and I at least want to be able to identify when my code is being shared. In my opinion, it’s no different than not having access to the MBS source code.
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly and for offering a solution.
Build 83
The focus of this latest version of Lifeboat is making things easier. Lifeboat now always installs a swapfile, hiding the technical process from users. Additionally the default Static Files configuration options have been improved. By request, you can now also disable the Application Offline page.
Changes in Build 83
New: Enable nginx gzip compression for your websites
New: Can now disable Application Offline page
New: Configure nginx to handle the MantisBT REST API requests
New: Accent color is now Lifeboat Orange (macOS only)
Fixed: Static Files web path now accepts allowable special characters
Changed: A swapfile is now always created because it's necessary to run apps smoothly
Changed: Better default settings for Static Files configuration
Download the update: https://strawberrysw.com/lifeboat/get
Happy coding!
Build 89
Todays update for Lifeboat is an important fix for PDFDocument users. It recently came to light that PDFDocument has required an extra library on Linux. Lifeboat now checks for and installs this library if necessary.
There are a handful of other great updates as well. As a universal ARM / Intel build, Lifeboat now runs natively on any Mac. An environment variable editor was also added, please check the user guide for more information. To round off the exciting announcements, Lifeboat now supports Ubuntu 22.04.
This update is recommended for all Lifeboat users.
Changes in Build 89
New: Support for Ubuntu 22.04
New: ARM and Intel Universal Build
New: Pass custom environment variables to web apps
New: Super Simple Sync will now indicate where the database is being used
Fixed: Support for PDFDocument generation
Fixed: Install process no longer gets stuck in rare cases
Fixed: Deleting an app no longer occasionally launches an app in the browser
Download the update: https://strawberrysw.com/lifeboat/get
Happy coding!
environment variables Very cool.
Build 93
Today’s update comes so soon after the previous release because it’s jam packed with improvements!
Developers can now create restart scripts for Web Apps from the cron jobs editor for problematic Web Apps. Apps that misbehave can be scheduled to restart Monthly, Weekly, Daily, or even Hourly.
The preferences window has been tab-ified for easier organization, navigation, and most importantly it now fits more settings. Two new power user settings are available now. Check out the new Preferences window and choose how you would like Lifeboat to operate.
Changes in Build 93
New: Create restart scripts for Web Apps from the cron jobs editor
New: Configure nginx to handle mod_rewrite for YOURLS
New: Optionally display the server IP address in the title bar
New: Optionally keep the server list open when connecting to a server
New: Create connections without saved key files (for high security needs)
New: Informational message when a critical package can't be installed
Fixed: Session.Secure now correctly reflects https status
Fixed: libpango now installs on Ubuntu 18.04
Fixed: Editing a connection to point to an empty server no longer causes an install loop
Download the update: https://strawberrysw.com/lifeboat/get
Happy coding!
Good work @Tim_Parnell ! Lifeboat is a great tool that keeps getting better.
Build 99
It’s time for another Lifeboat update! This release features some bug fixes that may help some environments that aren’t on the suggested providers list. Thanks go to some very generous and kind users who donated server time to fix these issues!
Don’t forget there’s a manual detailing each and every feature of Lifeboat at https://strawberrysw.com/lifeboat/manual and an offline version inside the app. The offline version is available from the menubar Help > User Guide
Changes in Build 99
New: Warning if the server locale is incompatible with commands
New: Set an environment variable for the deployment DateTime
Fixed: False positive with checking secured authentication value
Fixed: Rare lockout when using the automated disable password feature
Fixed: Environment variables are now more reliably updated
Fixed: Preferences toolbar icon size is now correct on Windows
Fixed: Web Apps can no longer collide with the manual certificates directory
Fixed: Deleting a domain with "Handle www. prefix" enabled cleans up the www. certificate
Download the update: https://strawberrysw.com/lifeboat/get
Happy coding!
Good job!
Build 100
Small update, huge new feature - Lifeboat can now install (and uninstall) fonts on the server! It’s finally super easy to get your custom fonts uploaded. The fonts manager is under Server Tools.
Changes in Build 100
New: Install and manage fonts on the server
Fixed: Manual CSR form no longer mistakes fields as empty when validating
Fixed: Uploading no longer brings .DS_Store or Thumbs.db files
Fixed: Uploading Static Files now handles aliases
Download the update: https://strawberrysw.com/lifeboat/get
Happy coding!
Great news!
Build 101
Lifeboat now supports ARM 64 servers! Xojo 2022r4 now supports building Web Apps for Linux ARM 64. Update Lifeboat today to begin taking advantage of ARM 64 servers. A special thank you to everyone who renewed their license during cyber weekend!
Changes in Build 101
New: Support for ARM64 servers
New: Button to show the Update Logs folder
New: Show detected server software in unsupported software message
New: Optionally display connection status updates
Fixed: No longer crashes on Windows when dismissing error messages
Fixed: Web Apps with numeric names no longer cause the status overview to fail
Download the update: https://strawberrysw.com/lifeboat/get
Happy coding!
Fantastic, thanks a lot @Tim_Parnell.
Whats this?