Language translation: Developers help developer

Currently only the user that requested the translation can view the translations. In hind sight this was a bad design choice, and is the first issue I am fixing by adding a “Translations” page where EVERYONE can view and search ALL translations.

I’ll post more information here as soon as the new “Translations” page is ready.

[quote=72033:@Alwyn Bester]Hi Ulrich.

Did you set English as your second language and German as your first language? If you only specify one language in your profile settings, the system only shows the translation in your native language.
No, I didn’t select any secondary language thinking English would be considered as reference language anyway. Guess I should better do that :wink:

Hmmmm, I wrote the system to use your “First Language” choice as the reference language, so each user’s “reference” language will be different.

Perhaps too confusing… Let’s see if the usability of the system is better once I’ve added all the suggestions mentioned in this conversation.

Ok, there is a new translations page added to the website.

Currently it only displays all the existing translations in the database. Obviously as more phrases are added and translated, the database will quickly grow beyond a simple list of a few phrases, so I will add “paging” and “search” features to the Translations page over the course of the next few days.

I also plan to give users the ability to translate, rate (and eventually comment) on phrases, directly from the Translations page, instead of through the Dashboard.

After setting my secondary language to English I can now see the translations.
Suggestion: Could you add more than one possibility to enter a translation (again, this would best be combined with comments). For example “What is your name?” could very well be translated with the current “wie heit du?”, but in a “serious” office application or the like this would be unpolite as in business and polite conversations German uses a more formal syntax: “Wie heien Sie?”

Absolutely… I’m working towards a system where each phrase can have multiple translations for multiple contexts, with comments to provide more information on the contexts. Eventually you will be able to open a page for the translation that contains all the information (e.g. comments and different translations) you need to decide which translation is appropriate for your purposes.

To get to such a complete system I’ll do it with small incremental upgrades to the system as Scott Boss suggested. Each day making a small change.

There is a translation I would like the change because it has a low rating and the translation is wrong.
Edit --> Editeer
Afaik Editeer is a non existing Dutch word.
It should be Bewerken
How can I change that translation?

On a Mac Plus (at its time) I saw the “Bearb.” as an abbreviated word for “Bearbeiten” (it’s the “Edit” in English) .
Probably consider to offer some Abbreviations in order to keep the menu bar line short.

I’ll try to get an edit feature in ASAP, so that translators can edit their translations afterwards.

Will look into abbreviations as well when adding a comment feature.

That’s part of the problem.
I didn’t make this translation, but the translation is wrong and should be corrected.

Alwyn is doing a great job with OpenPhrase. Like all sites/apps/services, you can have every option day-1. He is adding features as fast as he can. Just list the features you want, and I know he will add it to the mile-long todo list he already has.

Alwyn, thank you for putting the site together for us!

[quote=72184:@Paul Sondervan]That’s part of the problem.
I didn’t make this translation, but the translation is wrong and should be corrected.[/quote]

Let’s see how it works after I’ve added a basic edit feature. I could build in an basic alert system on the Dashboard that notifies translators when their translations received a low rating. They should then revise the translation so that other users can review the “fixed” translation.

I’m sure the system is still going to change a lot in the coming months as it is tweaked to improve collaboration between users and translators.

Another upgrade has been applied to Changes include:

  • Users can now translate their own requests.
  • When requesting translations users no longer have to supply “to” language/s.
  • Requests now only cost 1 point to translate to all languages (instead of 1 point per language).
  • Translators can now translate phrases to any language of their choice on the dasbboard.

Points were refunded to users who submitted translation requests prior to these changes.

Ok, so I realize most of the Xojo community will probably be consumed by the Vegas fun factor in the coming days, so there probably won’t be much action at… but just a quick update anways…

The following changes where made to the website since my last post:

  • Added support for CZech language.
  • Changed first option for second language on Sign Up page to ‘[None]’.
  • Translations can no longer be rated based on translation alone.
  • Completely changed selection algorithm used to queue phrases for translation on dashboard.
  • Existing translations are now displayed in translation section on dashboard.
  • Added underline to Translations page heading.
  • Added history page.
  • Added system statistics to front page.
  • Translate phrase section now defaults to known language on dashboard.
  • Changed English language into seperate English (UK) and English (US) languages.
  • Added instructional notes on dashboard when no translations or ratings are found.
  • Corrected dates on history page.
  • Added search mechanism on translations page.
  • Improved mechanism for English UK and English US phrase selection on dashboard.

The most significant changes are the stats added to the front page, the split between US and UK English, and the new search feature on the translations page.

IMPORTANT: all existing users were converted to UK English by default, so if you are an US English speaker, you just need to update your profile settings accordingly.

The nice thing about splitting the English into the two different regions, is that it gives English-speaking-only users now also the opportunity to translate phrases between UK and US English.

There is still lots to do, but I’m hoping the current improvements is a step in the right direction.

To those fortunate enough to indulge in Vegas and all the exiting Xojo sessions in the coming days… I do envy you :wink:

Hi Alwin, please split Portuguese too: in Portuguese (PT) and Portuguese (BR). Both are very different.
E.g. Files (EN-US) -> Arquivos (PT-BR) -> Ficheiros (PT-PT)

Will do so with the next upgrade Rick. What does the PT and BR stand for?

PT-PT means Portuguese from Portugal, PT-BR is Brazilian Portuguese.

Got it. Will be changed with next update.

List of language/culture from MS:

Just for information. :wink: