No I’m not walking about a baseball diamond, but Xojo features…
Often time I get the impression that Xojo inc, dismisses some feature requests because they don’t think they would be useful to enough customers to justify it…
And maybe for an individual feature considered in isolation that might be true, but the more SOLID fully functional features the framework has, the more attractive the product becomes to more people…
And we tend to be a fairly creative ways and often find ways to use features in ways they did not expect, over time as users become more experienced they find themselves wanting more of what Xojo inc might consider “advanced” features only of interest to a few “pros”…
But if you build it in an accessible (but efficient in terms of speed and memory usage) X-platform way, we (as in the non pros) will start using them, and the product will become seen as more and more capable which in turn would likely increase sales.
Until this last release Xojo has IMO done more looking more inward than outward for a good number of years now, at least when it comes to desktop… I would like to see that outward looking trend to continue…
The discussion about workers and shared memory would seem to me to be one such feature as XOJO will likely never support pre-emptive threads.
I suspect Xojo sees that request a something of interest to too few to make it worthwhile … And maybe INITIALLY they are right about that, but I suspect that would not be the case in the long run if they add shared memory support that is easy to use.
And that would make the product better for more use cases than it is now for more users.
For those doing number crunching added more math and statistical functions (if implemented in an efficient way- even if in C under the hood) would be a good Idea… there are certainly a lot open source libraries of a lot of that stuff written in C - which are likely best kept in C for speed…
Having to create my own basic statistic classes to calculate things standard deviation and linear regression (which for those were not that difficult) seemed like something I should not have to do for a RAD product…
Lots of those types of non-UI things should not need a lot of (or any!) maintenance with new IDE versions if coded initially in a well thought out way to interface with the framework.
Beside squashing bugs (which is also HUGELY important) IMO it’s time to Xojo Inc get back to thinking more about how to make XOJO more of a true RAD environment for more people.
- Karen