Hello feedback...

Congratulations, Julian! Welcome to aboard!
I have many-many years ago pointed to strange behavior about their “filtering” of internet connections to their servers. All I got was sneering and unable connect to Feedback:

Unfortunately Xojo team lacks self-criticism. Take it or leave. I take, as I think that Xojo would be very powerful developing system, if their developers would see further their navels. I hope that this time will come…

@llar Kruustik - don’t forget these guys have to work with priorities all the time.
I hope when having Web 2.0 being implemented they will find a chance to develop a brand new Feedback system.

Off course I know that I’m not priority and for that reason I can’t never forgot your kind reminder. Thanks.

But as almost always – you don’t think and you do not want think about thing. I just wanted to say that probably many of feedback accessing issues are related due their strange connection rules to their servers. And there is nothing strange about that they did not want admit it, as admitting it would reveal that they have restricted their customers. And for that there is no good excuses…

And as you can’t see wider picture, you even can’t understand my frustration about that kind of behavior by Xojo team. Sorry…

Feedback should be an open-source showcase app demonstrating how to write a good cross-platform app.

llar, I see that you, Julian and Stephan (reporting problems here) are outside the USA. I don’t think they are filtering you on purpose. I guess the configuration is not working as expected (to receive reliable feedback from users all over the world).

I understand your frustration. If you want me, to help you, upload bug reports just let me know.

I see Xojo making good progress on Windows fixes. I think they don’t have the time, right now, to update Feedback or the server configuration. It may not be a quick change/fix.

Remember: use the last Feedback version or you can be rejected…

Feedback is here:


Sorry to say, but this is also thing I did not forgot. Picture above is from latest version of Feedback. Yes – there is no firewall restrictions. If be honest firewall or not – result is the same. Yes - uninstalled, installed again – result is the same as have been almost two years now.

Ah – I’m tired. Today Xojo surprised me again with one mystical and scary thing about MySQL connection. I don’t know anymore – cry or laugh. :frowning:

Albert – thank you. I appreciate it much.

Probably other things :slight_smile: I don’t think the upload is limited by my connection speed as it should only take me 4 seconds to complete the upload, if their end can’t deal with that then there are issues out of my control :wink:

Neither do I but they have been seemingly getting worse of late.

Thanks for the offer but if I can’t upload them, I’ll just link them from youtube, its “free” bandwidth after all :wink:

But I enjoy finding them, I just don’t enjoy not being able to tell them about it :wink: If I didn’t want to waste time, I’d let someone else report them, but if everyone did that where would we be, whereeeere would weeee beeeeee :wink:

As for having a go at Xojo and the hardworking folks there, that not my intention at all, I just want everything fixed yesterday, in one patch with bells AND whistles! whistles I tells ya!

Thanks for the history lesson Thom, very interesting, iiiiinteestinnnng (stokes beard). It’s not a bad app but it is creaking at the seems.

I’m the class clown, I’m happy to entertain :smiley: It was indeed meant to be lighthearted but with a hidden dark foreboding message :wink:

Some pictures have been found, the message is upon us!! (today’s feedback issue, yay)

I guess integers don’t like to be empty strings?


PS. Have some more :slight_smile: :smiley: I didn’t include enough :open_mouth:

Needs more cowbell

Mooo, I mean nooo, those little bells made of golden plastic that you put on Christmas trees!

Like I use the mac version and I think you use the windows version of feedback.

And for the 20+ minutes wasted trying to file a bug report, I was thinking that you can use that time finding other bugs in Xojo as that is the priority and not Feedback :wink:

If I were doing it all over again, I would definitely advocate for this. I never even considered the possibility for fear of leaking company secrets, but I’m older and wiser now.

The big issue would have been the extensive use of custom controls. The source list in Feedback (and the IDE) is Canvas-based. The fear would be people trying to copy that into their own projects then coming to us for support, when it was never a supported control in the first place.

You might think “that’s not your problem” but it isn’t that simple. For example, I was not allowed to add retina support to Feedback because Xojo didn’t have retina support, so Geoff didn’t want to make the statement that the workarounds were a supported technique.

So an open source version of Feedback might have had to use only built-in controls, which would have looked much like a Windows-esque “somebody barfed a bunch of buttons on the screen” app. All speculation though.

And, what about strange people who will enter tons of bug reports (true or false),feature requests, and so on…

Every choice have potential draw back(s), unfortunately.

[quote=405541:@Emile Schwarz]And, what about strange people who will enter tons of bug reports (true or false),feature requests, and so on…

Every choice have potential draw back(s), unfortunately.[/quote]

lol, being open source does not mean any one can use it. It stil requiere an acount.

And an account is hard to get for these kind of people ?

Open source would not change anything about the API. Technically, nothing is stopping you from writing your own client right now. You’d have to reverse engineer the API to make your own requests, but open sourcing the client doesn’t change that.

And it hit me again. Wanted to report another Beta Issue and my report is lost because of:

[quote]lib.database.php(738): Database error: “ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: “”
LINE 1: …th,mime,note_id,unique_id) VALUES (‘Selected.png’,’’,’’,4196…
^” (0)
SQL: INSERT INTO attachments (filename,length,mime,note_id,unique_id) VALUES (‘Selected.png’,’’,’’,419629,‘B1L16J’);[/quote]

Now can’t login anymore.

I am sick of writing FR over and over again… :frowning:

What irks me about the issue is that it should be a very quick fix in the PHP code. The issue is the attachment length is being input as ‘’ instead of a usable value.

Who wrote that PHP / Feedback code and did not try if it works?!?!

Get your pitchforks and … oops …

[quote=405628:@Markus Winter]Who wrote that PHP / Feedback code and did not try if it works?!?!

Get your pitchforks and … oops …[/quote]
Well PHP is an odd language. It’s more than likely a side effect of something else. For example, if the file size is not available, the value may be null. Convert the variable to a string so it can be added to the SQL, and that null becomes an empty string. So the issue is more likely that the file size can’t be determined for some reason.