Hello feedback...

…goodbye 30 minutes.


It’s not a good reflection for a tech company who makes it own products to have a bug reporting system made in house that does this.

This should take priority over releasing a patch or new features, if users can’t report problems easily and quickly then what hope is there.



Julian, I want to thank you for all your hard work reporting bugs to make (specially) the windows version better.

I think, in this case, is the size of your video. It may be related to timeout, upload speed, or other things.

I usually don’t get those issues (using Feedback on Mac) and having a 100Mbit upload connection.

Instead of wasting time trying to upload videos (when they are more than a couple MB), you can contact me and I will help you upload them. At least until Xojo can create a new Feedback app. No need for you to waste 20+ minutes.

At this point I think it would be a better use of the engineers’ very limited time to just archive this thing off and start accepting new reports in something like Mantis.

To stretch a metaphor, eating your own dog food is all well and good if the dog actually has time to eat.

I’ve always wondered why Feedback wasn’t converted to a Web app a long time ago.

When trying to find out more information, I was informed that it was web-based at one point. The reasoning for abandoning the web version was allegedly that the community disliked it and were complaining about it.

In my opinion a Xojo Web app for this would be even less usable and more frustrating.

Hmm, since every other feedback / bug reporting system that I’ve used has been web-based, what does this say about the Xojo Web framework? I’ve been using RB/RS/Xojo since RB 4.0, and I don’t recall ever using the modern Feedback app as a Web app.

On the other hand, I was able to take our BRU Server Console app and convert it to a Web App. With the exception of live updates during job monitoring, it’s page for page identical to the live desktop app, and actually runs better on a Linux system than the Linux desktop version…

I’ve found information about Realbasic / FogBugz as recent as 2008. I was not able to find an actual end or migration date.

I would have been surprised if that wasn’t the case knowing how poorly the IDE (compiled with Xojo on a Mac) performs on Linux and even on Windows.
IMO it’s time Xojo reduces the price for Linux and Windows users in such a way that it reflects more what they get for their money.

Didn’t they announce a rewrite using Web 2.0 framework when it is done?

That’s why I mentioned the “modern” Feedback app.

[quote=405105:@Tim Parnell]When trying to find out more information, I was informed that it was web-based at one point. The reasoning for abandoning the web version was allegedly that the community disliked it and were complaining about it.

In my opinion a Xojo Web app for this would be even less usable and more frustrating.[/quote]
Yep, you’re paraphrasing my post.

Basically, FogBugz was a one-way tracking tool. Before FogBugz, Real Software used a custom web-based solution. Users could see their reports and get updates, but that was about it. All that got transitioned into FogBugz, and customers found that they could no longer receive case updates. Imagine submitting a bug report and that being the end of it. Customers were not happy. This lasted about a year.

In my first year with Real Software, I was tasked with creating a replacement. More like the original system. It was decided to build a desktop app for a number of reasons, mostly because it could interface with the IDE, web apps were still pretty clunky in 2008, and all our customers had computers anyway. iOS was still in its infancy too.

The desktop app is not the problem. Nor is it the fact that it’s a custom app. The big change is that, at the time, I was not a member of the engineering team. I was IT, so my time was not diverted with IDE-related issues. My job was servers, order system, website, etc. so Feedback fell well into that job position.

After Feedback, I was tasked with creating Web Edition, which REALLY blurred the definition of my job. I was pretty much fully into the engineering team at that point, especially since I had automated a lot of my IT tasks.

So anyway… as with all things Xojo, the issue is lack of time. They had somebody with the time to maintain it, now they don’t. Perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate the landscape. Feedback is going on 8 years old. Many of the solutions available now either weren’t as mature or simply didn’t exist. We explored a lot of options then and didn’t love any of them. Maybe that has changed.

I’m not going to pretend I know what the right answer is. But I can share some history about how we got to this point.

I was intentionally trying not to be super specific or mention anyone. I only have bits and pieces of stories to go on, and I’m not trying to cause trouble.

There’s not much trouble to cause. This is all stuff I’d have no problem saying even if I were still employed.

[quote=405081:@]It’s not a good reflection for a tech company who makes it own products to have a bug reporting system made in house that does this.

This should take priority over releasing a patch or new features, if users can’t report problems easily and quickly then what hope is there.[/quote]

Definitelly a bad reflection. After all it is an example of what you can expect to build with their software. It is all the package, Lot of flicker, lot of crashes, painfully slow.

Or maybe is just a filter to receive bug reports for commited users. you really need a lot of determination to report bugs :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=405114:@Andre Kuiper]I would have been surprised if that wasn’t the case knowing how poorly the IDE (compiled with Xojo on a Mac) performs on Linux and even on Windows.
IMO it’s time Xojo reduces the price for Linux and Windows users in such a way that it reflects more what they get for their money.[/quote]

Not only the IDE. All apps created with 2018 are a disgrace on windows and Linux. More than a reduction, should be a one free year after xojo fix the problems.

Yeah… the problem is if the dog doesn’t eat, it starves to death and dies… and then …

No attachments only a simple plain text reply on a FC:

As sad as the situation is, I had to L.M.A.O. listening to you…

(Really Xojo? You’re filtering l.m.a.o.??? Wouldn’t your time be better spent fixing feedback?))

Last week at the MBS Xojo conference in Munich we asked for attention for the problems with Feedback in the Q&A session with Geoff. Although further it was a good session, we did not find each other at this point and agreed to disagree.

Does this mean the Geoff doesn’t believe that Feedback has any issues???

Hmm… don’t think so but he did not show he was impressed and even did not promise anything regarding FB.
At a point we had two issues with FB:

  • lots of very longstanding issues still not fixed or even worse not researched;
  • the bad behavior of the tool and sometimes the impossibility to report at all.