Free discussion or not of Xojo on this forum?

Apparently, we are getting personal here. The discussion has slid from Xojo to persons. This shows how low we are getting :frowning: Mister Kuiper, please refrain from personal attacks, would you ?

This thread is fast becoming as fowl as the other, and desserves as much to be shut as any other out-of topic stink >:(

I shall no longer read it.

As a registered, verified and Beta tester Michel B. You really should be leading by example IMO.


Just a valid point

Glad to oblige, Sir. I stand corrected.

[quote=56185:@Alan Hewitt]As a registered, verified and Beta tester Michel B. You really should be leading by example IMO.


Just a valid point[/quote]

That’s what i meant, i didn’t want to get personal, just following the rules for real names AND headshot. If it’s obvious you don’t see a proper headshot i get in doubt about is the name a real name.

Apart from that i think everybody should be free to be anonymous or not, as long as they use decent language and show respect to other forum members i would have no objection at all.

I won’t wish a happy new year in the other post, I will do it here :

Happy new year :slight_smile:

I read quickly the other thread, and I’m annoying because some weeks (months ?) ago, I did a quick evaluation about Xojo resource (money) with 80000 users x approx 200 € / year. Nobody answered then I didn’t insist. On the other side, Xojo can’t blame anyone to do a quick calculation with what Xojo write.

It’s the exactly the same problem in a discussion, people try to guess why the other think with what he say.

Ohhhh, hello Michel Bujardet, you looks like the previous robot of your avatar :smiley: (I’m kidding, same sympathetic face)

Michel, glad to meet you in person. :wink:

One remark, here : is it not striking to see a non-faced person launch personal attacks that have nothing to do with coding, or helping fellow programers get better results ?

There is a saying from ancient (internet-) times: “Don’t feed the trolls”

You just did by trolling. :slight_smile:

I’m locking this thread because this discussion is over. Keep in mind that personal attacks do violate our forum etiquette. We will NOT tolerate any direct attacks at Xojo employees, especially those who have been one of the most valuable and active members of our forum for many years.

Let’s start this new year by being nice to one another and put our energy towards helping each other.