Feature Requests for the IDE

From time to time it is necessary to remind the devs, that we wait since ages for a more modern IDE.

Honestly, I personally think this would be a super low hanging fruit to push Xojo’s reputation.

Developers these days are used to the stunning IDEs and Editors like VSCode, Webstorm and so on and the IDE lacks on so many features. Most of the missing features are just normal and minimum expectations for developers and should be addressed.

Here’s my (not plenary) list:


These things are on my wish list for a long time.

Do not forget the promised new navigation pane…

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I made a FR about this, maybe a full HTML Editor and multilanguaje Code EDitor is too much for xojo, but at least I requested to be a Text editor like the one for the “Notes” instead of a shitty tiny bad implemented Rich edit control (on windows) that is used for the constants.


As for other Needed features:

Highlight all the instances of a keyword when you select one.

Repurpose the bulky Toolbar, it wastes too much space

Improve the inspector to have decent sized controls there.
I even made something to improve those ridiculous tiny controls and fix those trashy multiline editors.

Untitled Project

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I’d want the option for object-information overlay to be either at the bottom, or inline next to the cursor. If you’re doing screen captures or videos, the inline parameter information often blocks code you’re trying to show.
I’d love split view for code tabs, and a way to command click method names in code to open in a new tab instead of the opening them in the one you’re in, or in split code view.

Just navigating large projects in the IDE is painful. The opening and management of tabs, locking them, lack of bookmarks, etc.

They really need to spend some time on this.


The goal was to clean up the tab spam problem by making the IDE more like a browser. Everything was supposed to stay inside a tab. But that rule kept getting broken by things like history and find/replace, and the execution really turned into a bit of a mess.

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I would just like to be able to drag a control off the bottom of the screen and have the page scroll up.


I hide it and navigate only through shortcuts, cause things thing unnecessary large.

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I hide it too, no need for the toolbar. Shortcuts can be learned quickly.

I cliked in the Left arrow for the first time (since 2013) yesterday…

I would like:

  1. the initial break/pause highlighted line to be in the middle of the editor when debugging
  2. the ability to sort a folder of items alphabetically, rather than having to do it manually
  3. when debugging, you can see the whole length of a String rather than you having it truncated and you have to enter the String to see its context
  4. not crash when you are viewing a RowSet contents and you click to run the next line (you have to exit editing the RowSet first)
  5. when debugging, allow the parameters window at the bottom to be dragged up as high as I want
  6. when debugging a Web App, stop the pointless Hide/Continue/Stop dialog from appearing
  7. Auto-fill variables that are defined in code above, but are within a #If TargetXXX #EndIf
  8. Allow you to drag and drop a 1024x1024 PNG file onto the App icon and it resizes all the alternatives
  9. Request the App icon to be (optionally) cropped with rounded corners and resized to match the macOS/Windows standards
  10. Trying to tear off a Tab to be its own new window causes multiple windows for the same app under the Window menu, but no new physical windows (plus it crashes any running app)
  11. a tiny global floating with Run/NextLine/Stop (I move it over my debugging app) so I don’t need to move my mouse a long way on multiple monitors

Some enhancements / bug fixes I have logged over the years:


  • 52294 - Allow private methods to be added directly to a window control
  • 51577 - Show Superclass Properties/Methods/Constants In the Navigator When Viewing A Subclass
  • 68621 - Allow some formatting of code comments within the IDE
  • 68427 - Improve The Appearance Of Canvas Controls In The IDE Window Editor
  • 55546 - Increase the height of the method declaration panel above the code editor
  • 61854 - Allow The Toolbar To Use Less Space
  • 59007 - Allow Build Scripts To Import Lingua Files
  • 55963 - Show Control Bottom & Right Values In IDE Inspector
  • 55544 - Show IDE Search Results In A Tab
  • 54442 - Allow The Code Editor To Be Split Vertically Into Two
  • 50539 - Add Support For Nested Methods & Properties
  • 48381 - Add The IDE Back And Forward Buttons To The Menu With Accelerator Keys


  • 52592 - Show contents of arrays and variants in the Global runtime variable list
  • 67454 - Place me and self at the top of the debugger variables pane to make them easier to find
  • 67300 - Provide A Quick Way To View Module Properties In Debugger When Debugging A Module Method
  • 61856 - Context Clicking Object Links In The Debugger’s Variable Pane No Longer Works
  • 62415 - Debugger Should Show The Variable Type
  • 62414 - Show The Method Signature In The Debugger’s Stack List
  • 51551 - When Debugging A Module Method Include A Direct Reference To The Module In the Variables Pane
  • 50413 - Remember Previous Scroll Position When Navigating Debugger Variable List

Can we find an entry in Issue with these feedback numbers? Searching finds nothing.

Edit: searching for the description works.

I use very few shortcuts, and, in general, have no interest in learning them.

Yes, search like this #<case number> (for example #50413) and not just 50413.

I work on embedded devices a lot with C++ in vscode and have become very used to Opt/Alt+Arrow to move an entire line at a time. I was almost able to emulate the behavior with scripts and hot keys but it fell a bit short. This would be a quality of life improvement without a large time budget to implement.

Does anyone know if a feature request exists for this yet?

Yes editor shortcuts are a must-have for productive work:

  • duplicate one or multiple lines
  • move one or multiple selected lines up or down
  • select text in multiple lines at once
  • select or highlight all occurencies of a text
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