Examples of Professional XOJO Apps?

We’ve been around for 13 years selling Studiometry, Studiometry Touch, and Accounted – all made in Xojo.

The Arista Navigator, iperfAgent, and NET_Toolkit are software packages that we sell made with Xojo.

Arista Navigator:



A lot of software that I develop is under contract and ‘proprietary’ to the companies I develop for… so sharing exactly what they are, what they look like, and what they do, is not out for ‘show and tell.’ But out of all the languages I use daily, Xojo is surely the quickest, most efficient of the languages to produce results quickly. I’ve produced software for the medical/pharmaceutical, educational and research, engineering, networking & security… to robotic manipulation fields… and everywhere in between. Profitability for me, lays within contractual work, more so, than general public software.

I made my little baby Answers with Xojo to explore and learn the IDE after spending several years making software with Xcode and Obj-C. I find that Xojo is fast and easy to use for apps you need to get up and running quickly.

EverWeb is a great example of professional grade software made with Xojo.

Tim, I believe you wanted to link to http://www.everwebapp.com/

That one, yup.

My experience is that once you have presented your working proof of concept, you’re at 20% of the time to spend to make it salable. Experienced developers know this, beginning nerds don’t even realize and leave lots of projects half done because they are not interested to do the annoying GUI etc. work.

100 ACK Joost, when talking about GUI or other settings, you always have to decide: Do I make it quick and dirty (hard-code things) or do I make things more long lasting with e.g. replaceable strings in order to add more languages with ease.

If the customer won’t pay I’ll save time and deliver the product, first. Otherwise if a customer wants a long-term support and development, I invest more time in clear, optimized and well documented code. Because I know I need to work with it later. Kind of “Fire and Forget” vs. Long- Term Evloution.

The problem here in my experience:

Most customers think only up to their nose (saying here in germany) and say “just fix the problem, make it cheap and quick” They do not look ahead in the future, that additional functions and changes may be needed and that these cheap solution will cause additional costs when touched again. I always try to tell them :frowning:

You are generous with 20%. I would go as far as 90% GUI with today’s design guidelines and new mobile platforms.

Self-promotion bump here, we just released a major update of http://iscreensaver.com and again, it’s “Made with Xojo.”

I have the same reasons. Many of the projects are large-dollar amounts and require confidential knowledge, which makes the program ‘tight-hole’ (oilfield term for confidential). Lawyers are almost always involved before the project begins and many legal papers are signed before the first line of code is written.

Very few of my finished programs are available to the public.

But every time you write a new peace of software you implement the same best practices of the previous ones and that’s why they hire just you, isn’t it ?

Yes Joost, part of the reason is by implementing better practices with each new software. Probably another contributing factor is that I am a SME (Subject Matter Expert) and having the ability to build/edit/modify the algorithms gives me a distinct advantage over other programming companies.

Some of the formula’s tend to become quite complicated, and people who grew up in the 1970’s and 1980’s are familiar with computers and know how to program. The new graduates don’t have this same type of fundamental familiarity with computers and are missing the programming component - which takes time.

I am sure that there are more factors and best practices with the computer programming familiarity seems to be the greatest factors.


I noticed some younger people tend to apply recipes instead of working on logic.

Maybe that is the distinction between coders and programmers.

Oh, yes! Let’s start a coders vs. programmers thread…

I did not mean to start a feud…

From the old days… Real programmers only use Fortran or Assembler… :slight_smile:


I did experiment in Machine code for a while. Not sure that made me a real programmer :wink:

[quote=241769:@Chris Carter]From the old days… Real programmers only use Fortran or Assembler… :slight_smile:



Well I guess that means I WAS a real programer! :wink:

Back in the day I used fortran with punch cards and had to do a little 6502 assembler in school! Of course back then Fortran on punch cards was mainstream and REAL programers must have programed with dip switches!

  • Karen

[quote=241780:@Karen Atkocius]LOL!
Of course back then Fortran on punch cards was mainstream and REAL programers must have programed with dip switches!

  • Karen[/quote]
    Not really, Karen. I, too, did programming on punch cards, 6502 assembly, 6502 machine code in hex and, before that, yes, toggle switches. Doesn’t mean that I am (or was) a real programmer. Just means that I’m older than dirt!
