Einhugur Plugin releases

Do you still get it ? (There was a emergency patch earlier on the new key server, so it might be fixed already, as this was the error that I got before the fix)

Still getting that error

Please mail me off the list if you can. Thanks. (will send you manual decrypt Key and try to find out whats going on for you)

WindowSplitter 8.6 is out and EDN Nov 2016

New in WindowSplitter 8.6:

[i] * Added support for HiDPI on Windows systems.

  • Fixed double click issue on Windows systems that only affected the first click.
  • Added HiDPI and Retina toolbar icons for design mode with Xojo 2016 and later.

(This is mostly the same as we had for a while in our beta zone).[/i]

EDN Nov 2016 is out.

EDN is Einhugur Developer Network Library. It has all our documentation in searchable form in one place. It is planned to be published every other month. (Though we might do it more often at first while improving the viewer).

(We currently only have this for MacOS systems but worry not this is just another view on the documentation)

You will find EDN Nov 2016 under Utilities on our web.

More info to be found at www.einhugur.com

SearchControl 1.8 and UtilsLib 7.1 are out

The SearchControl is a Xojo plugin control to represent search user interface functionality.

Native Cocoa MacOS control on MacOS X systems.
Emulated controls on Windows and Linux systems since Windows and Linux do not have native such control.
Emulation mode on Windows and Linux uses OS native theme renderers to get good look and feel that fits the operating systems theme.
Optional drop down menu on the left button in the SearchControl which can use normal Xojo MenuItems for drop down menu on the left button, which makes it very easy to use and it easily supports icons in the menus. This also works for the native control on Cocoa.
Optional cancel button on the right side.
Can be configured to let search trigger instantly when typing.
Can be configured to let search trigger time delayed when typing. (Usually gives best user experience)
Can be configured to let search trigger by enter key or click on search icon.
Can have optional search placeholder.

New in SearchControl 1.8:

  • Improved stability when using Buddy control on Windows
    and Linux systems.
  • Use of Buddy the control feature on Windows and Linux
    systems is now preferred as we don’t think any other
    kind of embedding will ever be safe.
  • Improved the click experience on Windows systems, routing
    the click into the buddy control when it is first displayed.

New in UtilsLib 1.8:
[i] * LocaleInfo.ComputerName is now supported on Linux systems

  • LocaleInfo.IsMetric is implemented on Linux systems (experimental)
  • Fixed memory clobbering issues in Currency formatting class by
    avoiding Xojo bug 45476, that affects Xojo 2011r1 to Xojo 2016r3.
  • Fixed some locale functions on Windows systems.[/i]

More info on www.einhugur.com

I believe:

should read “New in UtilsLib 7.1”:

PictureEffectsRaw 8.0 and TypeLib 2.0 are out.

First off then we have Black Friday coupon running that gives 30% discount of new licenses. (sorry we dont got off renewals since our renewal pricing is already kept as low as possible. The coupon code is: BLACK2016 (Valid until 2016-11-28)

PictureEffectsRaw is a Xojo plugin to do effects on Raw picture buffers, that originate from MemoryBlocks. With Xojo going more for Pre-multiplied alpha channels with their Picture objects which is good for some things then Xojo Picture object is becoming less suitable for serious image processing. But the RawBitmap class and the PictureEffectsRaw bridge that.

PictureEffectsRaw like its big brother PictureEffects can use up to 8 CPU cores at once to process the images.

New in PictureEffectsRaw 2.0:

  • Added ShapeDistort class. This is new implementation and not based on the one that we have in our main PictureEffects plugin, the new one has far better quality, more speed and more features.
  • The MPImageFilterRaw multi CPU base unit now has same capabilities as our MPImageFilter class, enabling us to start porting effects at faster pace.
  • Added BrightnessEffectRaw class.
  • Added ColorFilterEffectRaw class.
  • Added ContrastEffectRaw class.
  • Added GrayscaleEffectRaw class.
  • Added InvertEffectRaw class.
  • Added SepiaEffectRaw class.
  • All existing and new effects now use IProgressHandlerV2 instead of IProgressHandler which allows for canceling.
  • Added Canceled property to the MPImageFilterRaw class.
  • Fixed critical issue in high quality mode in the RotationEffect when having 1, 2 or 3 channels.
  • Fixed color issue for the background filling in the RotationEffect.
  • All the new effects now use new Masking system far more advanced than in the main PictureEffects plugin.
    *Added some example projects.

TypeLib is a free plugin that defines various of types, mostly to support other plugins.

New in TypeLib 8.0:
Added IRawBitmapProcessor interface.
Added RawBitmapMask class.
Added DrawLine method to the RawBitmap class.
Added DrawLineAntialiased method to the RawBitmap class.

(We can also provide API’s for other plugin authors to Interact with our RawBitmap and RawBitmapMask objects and make use some of the internal magic that is not exposed out to Xojo, and other plugin authors can ship our TypeLib with their products if they wish)

More info on www.einhugur.com

ErrorProvider 2.6 is out.

A error provider is a blinking indicator that indicates that a given field has a error. They’re used to indicate errors in user input after form or window validation.

The error provider can show errors for many controls at once with just one instance of the error provider.

New in 2.6:
Added RequestBuddyControl event to handle better deep nested embedding.
Updated the Toolbar icon for Xojo 2016.x versions.

More info on www.einhugur.com

SearchControl 1.9 and PythonScript 2.3 are out

The SearchControl is a Xojo plugin control to represent search user interface functionality.

Native Cocoa MacOS control on MacOS X systems.
Emulated controls on Windows and Linux systems since Windows and Linux do not have native such control.
Emulation mode on Windows and Linux uses OS native theme renderers to get good look and feel that fits the operating systems theme.
Optional drop down menu on the left button in the SearchControl which can use normal Xojo MenuItems for drop down menu on the left button, which makes it very easy to use and it easily supports icons in the menus. This also works for the native control on Cocoa.
Optional cancel button on the right side.
Can be configured to let search trigger instantly when typing.
Can be configured to let search trigger time delayed when typing. (Usually gives best user experience)
Can be configured to let search trigger by enter key or click on search icon.
Can have optional search placeholder.

New in 1.9:

  • Added a MacBorderStyle property.
  • Did Windows fixes for next coming version of Xojo.

The new MacBorderStyle property in action:

New in PythonScript 2.3:

  • Fixed issue which could prevent Xojo from building 64bit application even if the plugin was not actually used in the project.
  • Added Int64Field getter / setter function to the PythonInstance class.
  • Added UInt64Field getter / setter function to the PythonInstance class.
  • Added Int64Field getter / setter function to the PythonModule class.
  • Added UInt64Field getter / setter function to the PythonModule class.
  • Added Int64Value getter / setter function to the PythonDictionary class.
  • Added UInt64Value getter / setter function to the PythonDictionary class.

More info on www.einhugur.com

TreeView 7.1 and PictureButton 3.6 plugins are out

Both plugins are adding compatibility for changes in Xojo 2016r4.

More info on www.einhugur.com

How do I update ?

Hello Michel

do you mean how to renew license ? or how you install the plugin update ?

If its the former then you just go here: Einhugur Software - Purchase Xojo Addons Information

No, I just wondered how to update the TreeView I purchased.

Download the plugin from https://einhugur.com (full version)
Use the Registrator decoder with your license code.
The decoded plug-in can be used in Xojo.

There is also a page with an overview of all the Einhugur plugins.

Thank you Paul.

DateControl 6.3 and WindowSplitter 8.7 are out

New in DateControl 6.3:
*Fixed crash issue on macOS 64 bit compile.
*Did Windows changes for Xojo 2016r4 compatibility.
*Fixed crash issue with the new Linux drop down mode. (6.2.5 that never came out officially)
*Fixed issue with container controls in Linux drop down mode. (6.2.5 that never came out officially)

New in WindowSplitter 8.7:
*Did Windows changes for Xojo 2016r4 compatibility.

More info on www.einhugur.com

Hi Bjorne
A quick question about your JSON node product.

How does it compare with the old jsonitem, especially with Json large trees, converting the to strings?

I use JSON to store data in my database, so I transport to and from my app and reconvert to JSON objects to work with.
It’s like a NOSQL database.

Xojo native jsonitem was fine but incredibly slow when using “toString” when saving the string back to the database.

Then switch to new framework JSON parser , converting it to a dictionary holding dictionaries.
The complexity this added slowed down basic working with the JSON (for a large number of objects) but it converted to a string really fast.

It’s still not the best. So I’m interested in your product please, and information, anything that may give me an indication on how it can perform.


[quote=302568:@James Nicholson-Plank]Hi Bjorne
A quick question about your JSON node product.

How does it compare with the old jsonitem, especially with Json large trees, converting the to strings?

I use JSON to store data in my database, so I transport to and from my app and reconvert to JSON objects to work with.
It’s like a NOSQL database.

Xojo native jsonitem was fine but incredibly slow when using “toString” when saving the string back to the database.

Then switch to new framework JSON parser , converting it to a dictionary holding dictionaries.
The complexity this added slowed down basic working with the JSON (for a large number of objects) but it converted to a string really fast.

It’s still not the best. So I’m interested in your product please, and information, anything that may give me an indication on how it can perform.


Hello James,

That is good question and you will find my answer strange I bet. But we have not done any comparison per see. At the time of its making then I did not even really know why I was making the JSON plugin, it was just made based on user requests. I guess it were some compatibility issues they had that were the push. I imagine though given text vs string then it would be quite a bit faster now-days. (and possibly always was)

By all means grab the free demo and experiment, and maybe some of the users who were behind the push to make this plugin will see this post and tell the story why they wanted it made back then.


Björn, does the StyleGrid work with Xojo’s 64 bit Windows compiler? I know you’ve said it can’t be upgraded for recent versions of OSX or Linux but I’m not clear if you’re saying the same is true for Windows.

As yet I haven’t upgraded to a version of Xojo that produces 64bit executables and that’s because my most significant Xojo project is chock-a-block with StyleGrids but as far as this project is concerned the only platform that matters is Windows.

No it does not and will not, StyleGrid is for REALstudio only and 64bit was not until late Xojo versions (some Xojo 2015 version).

StyleGrid we left behind when retina came basically. The old OS 9 technology that its based on will not port at all to retina and absolutely not to 64 bit. We have done some research on if its feasible to build new and found it was not as its harder to build full control for all platforms and combinations now than it was then and Xojo’s embedding capabilities have not improved at all in the 18 years since StyleGrid was build. We might revisit this if we build new one of some sort once Xojo offers plugins within Xojo or hybrid modes, since then Embedding issues will probably face us differently than raw C code for each and every platform and platform variation.