Einhugur Plugin releases

[b]e-CryptIt Engine 12.0 has been released.

New in 12.0:[/b]
* Added 64 bit compile support for Mac target.
* Added 64 bit compile support for Windows target.
* Added 64 bit compile support for Linux target.
* Added ARM compile support for Linux target.
* All Linux targets are now compiled with CLang.
* Some global functions were moved into modules.
* Some of the ciphers can now work on MemoryBlocks
as well as Strings like before.
* Most of the Hash algorithms can now work on
MemoryBlocks as well as Strings like before.
* Adler and CRC32 now return UInt32 instead of Integer.

Note that the change to Clang on Linux systems was done at last moment this is change from the Beta versions we had out.

For those that don’t know then e-CryptIt Engine offers wide range of cryptographic ciphers, wide range of cryptographic hashing algorithms, compression and wide range of encoders.

More info to be found at www.einhugur.com

e-CryptIt Engine 12.5 is out

It may seem strange why 12.5 comes only days after 12.0, but 12.0 was for long time in active beta and 12.5 features unexpectedly completed a bit ahead of schedule.

New in 12.5:
* Added ZipArchive abstract class.
* Added ZipArchiveReader class.
* Added ZipArchiveWriter class.
* Added support for RIPEMD 256.
* Added support for RIPEMD 320.
* Changed all the RIPEMD classes into one class that can handle all four of the bit size options.
* Fixed issue with corruption on 32 bit Linux segments.
* Updated the RIPEMD example project for the new bit modes and the change of the class structure.
* Added new example project for the new ZipArchives.

More info to be found at www.einhugur.com

ENetPlugin 1.5 is out

ENet’s purpose is to provide a relatively thin, simple and robust network communication layer on top of UDP (User Datagram Protocol). The primary feature it provides is optional reliable, in-order delivery of packets. ENet is used a lot in gaming.

New in 1.5:[i]

  • Added 64 bit compile support for Mac targets.
  • Added 64 bit compile support for Windows targets.
  • Added 64 bit compile support for Linux targets.
  • Added ARM 32 bit compile support for Linux targets.
  • Updated to use ENet 1.3.13. instead of 1.3.12.
  • Greatly reduced dependencies on Linux so the plugin can work in Linux console application where no GUI libraries are installed in the Linux system.
  • Fixed a small memory leak.
  • All Linux targets are now compiled with Clang.[/i]

More info to be found at www.einhugur.com

[b]LuaScript Plugin 1.5 is out

A Lua script interpreter that you can plug into your Xojo application to use to give your users ability to script your Xojo applications.[/b]

New in 1.5:

Added 64 bit compile support for Mac targets.
Added 64 bit compile support for Windows targets.
Added 64 bit compile support for Linux targets.
dded ARM 32 bit compile support for Linux targets.
All Linux targets are now compiled with Clang.

More info to be found at www.einhugur.com

[b]SearchControl 1.6 is out

The SearchControl is a Xojo plugin control to represent search user interface functionality. The control works on MacOS X, Windows, Linux and Raspberry PI.

New in 1.6:

  • Added CancelButtonAction event.
  • Added CancelEventAction method.
  • Pressing the cancel button which erases the text now correctly lets the TextChange event fire.
  • All Linux targets are now compiled with Clang.[/i]

More info to be found at www.einhugur.com

FileSystemWatcher 1.0 and DateControl 5.6.2 are out.

FileSystemWatcher is new a plugin for Xojo to set up file system watches on specific folder or folders.

Most of the complexity of handling folder watching on different platform has been abstracted and made easy in this plugin.

Supported on:

• Mac OS X (32 bit and 64 bit)
• Windows (32 bit and 64 bit)
• Linux (32 bit and 64 bit)
• Linux ARM v7 compatible systems such as Raspberry PI 2

DateControl has been updated to version 5.6.2.

New in 5.6.2:
• Changed the DateControl on MacOS X and Linux systems so that it now allows changing between date
fields with comma key, dot key and slash key instead of just locale defined separator key. After the change
then this is on par with what OS X does.

More info to be found at www.einhugur.com

FileSystemWatcher 1.1 is out

Most of the complexity of handling folder watching on different platform has been abstracted and made easy in this plugin.

Supported on:

• Mac OS X (32 bit and 64 bit)
• Windows (32 bit and 64 bit)
• Linux (32 bit and 64 bit)
• Linux ARM v7 compatible systems such as Raspberry PI 2

New in 1.1:

  • Changed the Changed event to overcome Xojo bug 42639. The f parameter in it can now sometimes be nil. And a new parameter called fullPath has been added to the event.

More info to be found at www.einhugur.com

[b]Python3Script Plugin 2.2 and CoreClasses 6.6 are out

Python3Script Plugin is a plugin to add Python 3.4.x and 3.5.x scripting to your Xojo applications.

New in Python3Script 2.2:[/b]

  • Added support for alternate and 3rd party installation of Python, such as Anaconda.
  • Added SetPythonPath shared method to the Python3Script class.
  • Added new Example project to show how to connect to alternate Python paths.
  • Changed compiler on Linux 32 bit to Clang.
  • Changed compiler on Linux 64 bit to Clang.
  • Changed the compiler on Linux ARM 32 bit to Clang.
  • Fixed segmentation fault on Mac OS X when in 64 bit mode.

New in CoreClasses 6.6:

  • Changed compiler on Linux 32 bit to Clang.
  • Changed compiler on Linux 64 bit to Clang.
  • Changed the compiler on Linux ARM 32 bit to Clang.

More info to be found at www.einhugur.com

[b]DateControl 6.0 is out

DateControl is to create a date selection control on Xojo desktop applications.

New in 6.0:[/b]

  • Added optional drop down calendar mode for the control on MacOS X cocoa.
  • Added OSXDropDownMode property.
  • Added a CustomizeLocalization event.
  • Fixed strange Beep sound issue when using separator keys on MacOS X and Linux systems.

More info to be found at www.einhugur.com

DateControl 6.0.3 and e-CryptItEngine 12.5.2 are out

Those are small but important updates.

[b]New in e-CryptIt Engine 12.5.2:

* Fixed ZStream issues on all Linux platforms, though most notably on 64bit Linux and potentially MacOS X 64 bit.

[b]New in DateControl 6.0.3:

* Fixed issue so that the Control would not run on some older MacOS X systems. Minimum requirement should be 10.7.

More info to be found at www.einhugur.com

[b]PDF Plugin 1.0 is out

PDF Plugin is a Xojo plugin to generate PDF documents.

The plugin supports:[/b]

• Embedding TrueType fonts
• Automatic encoding detection and mapping to PDF stock encodings.
• Images.
• Clickable links from the PDF document to web pages.
• Clickable links from the PDF document to different locations within the PDF document.
• Clickable zones to get text annotations in popup bubbles.
• Advanced drawing.
• Setting up the PDF outline tree.

Snapshot of example PDF where we are showing Line drawing capabilities.

More info to be found at www.einhugur.com

DateControl 6.1 is out.

New in 6.1:

* Added support for HiDPI on Windows systems.
* Boundaries of the control in IDE design mode now
better reflect the actual size of the control as it
will look like when you run it on Windows systems.
* Fixed issue so that the drop down feature of the control
not run on some older MacOS X systems. Minimum requirement
should be 10.7. (previous fix in 6.0.3 was where it would
not run at all on those old systems)
* Fixed critical memory issue in the KeyDown event on MacOS X
and Linux systems.

Also since Xojo 2016r1 is out then there might be plugins in our Beta zone that target some 2016r1 things that your interested in at:


And finally a teaser can be found at our blog for what is coming in DateControl 6.2 which we will have some sort of test version or final version soon.


More info to be found at www.einhugur.com

DateControl 6.2 is out

New in 6.2:
* Added optional drop down calendar mode for the control on Linux 32bit, 64bit and ARM.
* Added LinuxDropDownMode property.
* Added better representation for the disabled state when the control is in drop down mode on OS X and Linux systems.
* Fixed drawing glitch with the Empty dates checkbox on Raspberry PI systems.
* Empty date checkbox is now drawn in correct place when in OS X IDE design mode.
* The background of the main part of the control is now white on Linux Mint systems.
* OSXDropDownMode and LinuxDropDownMode properties are now default set to true instead of defaulting to false.

More info to be found at www.einhugur.com

GraphicsFormats 5.6.4 is out

New in 5.6.4:

* Fixed issue RawPngImporter on Windows systems where the image format on the RawBitmap was incorrectly set to RBGA instead of ARGB for images with alpha channel.

(This issue affected for example usage of PNG images in our PDF plugin on Windows)

More info to be found at www.einhugur.com

[b]PDF Plugin 1.1, TypeLib 7.8 and e-CryptIt Engine 12.5.5 are out.

New in PDF Plugin 1.1:[/b]

  • Added new constructor to the PDFDocument class that takes handle to the e-CryptIt Engine ZStream to enable compression in the PDF document.
  • Added LoadJPEGImage function to the PDFDocument class. Adding ability to store far smaller images that are stored in native JPEG compressed format within the PDF instead of Raw format.
  • Added CurveTo method to the Page class.
  • Added CurveTo2 method to the Page class.
  • Added CurveTo3 method to the Page class.
  • Added Arc method to the Page class.
  • Added new example project called Enabling compression.
  • Added new example project called Embedding JPG images.
  • Added new example project called PDF Curve Exampler.
  • Added new example project called PDF Arc Exampler.

New in TypeLib 7.8:
* Added a ZipEngineHandle for plugins to be able to share the internal Zip engine from the e-CryptIt Engine. (This is for example used when enabling compression in the PDF Plugin)

New in e-CryptIt Engine 12.5.5:
* Added GetZipEngineHandle shared method to the ZStream class to allow other plugins to use the Zip engine.

More info to be found at www.einhugur.com

Just wanted to say thank you for the PDF improvements. My previous PDF’s rendered with 1.0 were 4.3MB big. With 1.1 and using compression and JPEGs instead of PNGs, they dropped to 93kB! :slight_smile:

Thank you @Björn Eiríksson

Due to user requests then the PDF Plugin has been quickly updated again:

New in PDF Plugin 1.2:

  • Added SaveToString function on the PDFDocument class.
  • Added SaveToMemoryBlock function on the PDFDocument class.
  • Added TextRise property to the Page class.
  • Added WordSpace property to the Page class.
  • Added ShowTextNextLine to the Page class.
  • Improved unicode support for saved PDF file names on Windows systems.
  • Improved unicode support for Font file names on Windows systems.

More info to be found at www.einhugur.com

[b]e-CryptIt Engine 12.6 and TypeLib 7.9 are out

New in e-CryptIt Engine 12.6:[/b]

 * Added LZMA compression class.
 * Added LZMA2 compression class.
 * Separated all compression from the main plugin  to help users deal with the Max DLL issue on Xojo for Windows. It gives more options to pull out unused plugin segments.
 * Added PluginVersion method to the EinhugurZipArchives module.
 * Added PluginVersion method to the EinhugurChecksum module.
 * Added PluginVersion shared method to the ZCompression class.
 * Added PluginVersion shared method to the ZStreamWriter class.
 * Added PluginVersion shared method to the ZStreamReader class.
 * Added PluginVersion shared method to the ZStream class.

New in TypeLib 7.9: (e-CryptIt Engine 12.6 needs TypeLib 7.9)
* Added IProgressHandlerV2 interface.

More info to be found at www.einhugur.com

[b]e-CryptIt Engine 13.0 is out

New in 13.0:[/b]
* Added new CRC1 class.
* Added new CRC3 class.
* Added new CRC8 class that offers 10 variations of CRC8 and can support custom variations.
* Added new CRC16 class that offers 21 variations of CRC16 and can support custom variations.
* Added new CRC32 class that offers 9 variations of CRC32 and can support custom variations.
* Added new CRC64 class that offers 4 variations of CRC64.
* Added ExtractFileToStringFromEntryIndex method to the ZipArchiveReader class.
* Deprecated Crc32(bytes as String, crc as UInt32) as UInt32
* Deprecated Crc32_MemoryBlock(bytes as MemoryBlock,offset as Integer,length as Integer,crc as UInt32) as UInt32.
* Deprecated Crc16(bytes as String, crc as UInt16) as UInt16.
* Deprecated Crc16_MemoryBlock(bytes as MemoryBlock, offset as Integer,length as Integer,crc as UInt16) as UInt16.
* Deprecated Crc16(bytes as String) as UInt16.
* Separated all checksum algorithms from the main plugin to help users deal with the Max DLL issue on Xojo for Windows. It gives more options to pull out unused plugin segments.

More info to be found at www.einhugur.com

PDF Plugin 1.2.2, GraphicsFormats 5.6.6 and TypeLib 7.9.1 are out.

New in PDF Plugin 1.2.2:

  • Fixed Linux linker error caused the Plugin to not load
    at all in the Xojo Linux IDE, and in some cases not on
    compiled Linux applications.

New in GraphicsFormats 5.6.6:

  • Fixed memory leak issue in JPEG import.
  • Did some 64 bit tweaks.

New in TypeLib 7.9.1:

  • Fixed Linux linker error in the new RawBitmapConverter class that caused
    the Plugin to not load at all in the Xojo Linux IDE.

More info to be found at www.einhugur.com