Documentation of a Xojo project

Use a Jetbrain developers IDE and see how it works… The warnings and autocomplete on editing are superb.

So lets call that development tools “Pro League” (because there are more good coding IDE’s)
Compare it to the Xojo IDE and you start to understand “Hobby League” …

Don’t get me wrong … I Love Xojo :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Working 14 years (something like that) with Xojo.

But Xojo IDE is having some long lasting problems and lack of features.
One of the reasons that we have a new Xojo IDE instead of Realbasic IDE is that we had more space for new features… well there is more space for many years now, but new features…??

Simple example? Refactoring names of Methods / variables etc etc … IDE doesn’t know where to find… So a simple find and replace is the only option you have …

A module (perfect mechanism for reusing libs) … You can’t make them external like a class…
Do I need to continue ???

you can make a module external. except if it contains a class then it is not possible.

Yeah I know… but are classes not the essence of object based programming??? :thinking:
And are modules not just a pretty way to organize your classes in a project…
along with methods towards to the rest of your application can talk to … is like … like … like a library full of powerfull functions… :nerd_face:

It would be Nice / essential to have a library that’s external … :sunglasses:

See this topic… Feature Request - Add Markdown formatting to Notes

On a slightly related issue… Object Documentation