[quote=132210:@Emile Schwarz]Michel:
Activating the Edit.Clear (Delete in the Edit menu) MenuItem works like a charm.
BUT: with the properties as set in the two screen shots, nothing works with a Delete, alt-Delete, ctrl-Delete, cmd-Delete deptressed key(s). Only fn-Delete works (I certainly do not checked that because I do not asked for).
ON THE OTHER HAND: in Xojo IDE, the Delete key use works fine.
Thank you for the fn-Delete trick, I will use that
or not:
If you type in the Shortcut: Key field “fn-delete” you will get in the IDE-Menu Editor: fn-delete; and you Michel, did you get that too ?
At this stage, who will check what happens in the running or compiled application ?
BUT, in the running-in-the-IDE application, I get what you can see in the screen shot above.[/quote]
I did check the fn-Backspace works fine in a running application Delete Edit menu item.
Emile, you got to know that already modifier keys and backspace are taken by OS X. There is no Delete key on the Mac keyboard. The key on the top right corner is backspace, that is the reason why it shows an arrow to the left, back.
A lot of keys are already taken, as a matter of fact. You can see a list at http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1343
Backspace with modifier does all sorts of things. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_of_keyboard_shortcuts. What you cited where I believe you mean Backspace by delete :
alt-Delete, ctrl-Delete, cmd-Delete
alt-backspace : delete from the caret (curseur texte) up to the beginning of the word. If the caret is to the right of the word, delete the word
ctrl-backspace : nothing (backspace)
cmd-backspace : delete from the caret (curseur texte) up to the beginning of the line.
None of those keys is usable for a menu or redefined, as they are intercepted by Mac OS X before it reaches Xojo.
I tried to set ctrl-backspace as menu shortcut to clear, and although it seems to do nothing, it keeps doing backspace.
I experimented for you a number of modifier on X, but none works. Probably for the exact same reason as backspace combinations.
The best I could find is Ctrl-D, which may be easier to remember than fn-Backspace. Enter ‘D’ in the Key field, and set MacControlKey on.
Now, how does Xojo redefines the function keys ? I think they are probably using some measure of Keyboard.Keydown with a timer to monitor the keys. Which may very well explain the persistent inertia bug under Windows BTW. It works fine, I have used it now and then, but it is a lot less easy to use as a menu shortcut.