Delete MenuItem: shortcut (not working?)

Correction : Mac documentation refers most often to Delete and not backspace. So indeed there is a Mac Delete and a PC Delete that are exact opposite …

Cats and dogs. No wonder they fight :wink:

This is “our” terminology. From the user point of view, pressing the delete key must delete the selection (whatever that selection is).

Now I have work on my plate.

BTW: cmd-D (OS X) “is not related to the Finder”, but to the OS. It displays the Document folder in the window all the time, not only in the Finder (as well as some other shotcuts to some special folders).

Someone knows the keyboard shotcut in a Save or Open dialog to Cancel the action ? (close the dialog window)
It was cmd-d some OS X versions ago.

#if TargetCocoa EditClear.KeyboardShortCut = "BACKSPACE" #else EditClear.KeyboardShortCut = "DEL" #end if
Then it works without using the Fn modifier on Mac OS X (of course it gives the different menu icon, but meh)

[quote=132234:@Emile Schwarz]Someone knows the keyboard shotcut in a Save or Open dialog to Cancel the action ? (close the dialog window)
It was cmd-d some OS X versions ago.[/quote]

ESC works in Chrome…

ESC works also in Xojo apps to cancel file open/save dialogs …

[quote=132235:@shao sean]#if TargetCocoa EditClear.KeyboardShortCut = "BACKSPACE" #else EditClear.KeyboardShortCut = "DEL" #end if
Then it works without using the Fn modifier on Mac OS X (of course it gives the different menu icon, but meh)[/quote]

Thank you Shao. And also because it makes me realize I was not entirely wrong with Backspace : that is the name of the top right key in Xojo, if one wants it to display correctly as the Delete menu shortcut key.

Shao: it works now. One space have to be removed; the correct code (in EnableMenuItems):

#If TargetCocoa EditClear.KeyboardShortCut = "BACKSPACE" #Else EditClear.KeyboardShortCut = "DEL" #EndIf

Michel: good idea !

Nice Sunday to all…

My bad.

I was thinking at Don’t Save and wrote Cancel !

Time to go away from the computer.

Hi, I had the same problem and my search show me this thread.
The documentation is Page Not Found — Xojo documentation say to enter “Bksp” but it doesn’t work, we have to enter “Backspace” in order to use the upper right key “Delete” (on the screencapture of Emile above).

I don’t know if “Del” works or if we have to enter “Delete” as shortcut, I don’t have this key on my MacBook. This would be the “Suppr” key I suppose. I will try on my iMac which has the “Suppr” key.

I continue in English but there is only French persons on this forum, except shao sean but you speak french in canada :wink: .

On macOS, fn-Delete (<–) is Backspace.

Also, the keyboard screen shot (far above) dates a bit. For example, the eject key does no more exists and is now replced by the Power key.

I tried on my old iMac and “Del” and “Delete” work, we can enter what we want.

Here is a screencapture of “Show Keyboard” :

Thank you for the fn-delete , I didn’t know it. But if I well understood what Michel wrote fn-delete is delete and delete is backspace. And that’s how Xoko work too.

To be totally clear:

Delete: remove the first character at the left of the insertion cursor;
fn-Delete (baclward delete): remove the first character at the right of the insertion cursor.

Now, a simple experiment shows that.