Custom tab systems

hi johnny… understand now… so it isn’t something I can set on the demo… so it is a DESIGN TIME setting

Not right now, I don’t have the test app setup for that right now. Right now the test/demo app doesn’t use all the control has to offer.

Some of the options built into the control I don’t really have a need for right now, but I’m having fun with it and learning. This really is my first custom control that I plan to use in one of my apps.

I have sent you a private message with a link to a demo which you may run and play around with to test the tab controls. I’ve also included some extra bonus’ of custom controls including 2 button controls, custom popupmenu and settings combobox, checkboxes, breadcrumb tab control, statusbar, progressbar, scrollbars, cross-platform textfields and rounded textfield with (or without) icon selection (ie. search box), custom groupbox, scrollable container, splitter, and sleek carbon calender that matches all the controls. I also demonstrate in the application that with a few image replacements, you can modify each of the controls to tailor any look or appeal. This is just a few of the controls I have available which I’ve created. All custom controls I design, I tend to allow them to be re-usable, yet allow the ‘appearance’ to take on infinite possibilites.

Here is a screenshot of my own tabsheets:

No customization, no close boxes, no moving the tabsheets around, but can do Retina. Still need to do an example project.

beatrix, your tab control do look nice… how did u do these tab control???


Do you sell this tabsheets? I am very interested.

I know most people on here know a lot more than me about Xojo and the Xojo community but everyone has heard of Alex Restrepo’s free and open source custom tab panel? That still works with the latest version of Xojo.

@Richard: Thanks :slight_smile: This is mostly Fireworks. Then I cut up the result and did a bit of drawing. I’m just making an example: price of 0 Euros.

See here:


what is this Fireworks??

Adobe Fireworks. Can do both pixel and vector. Unfortunately, it’s to be retired.

[h]OFF TOPIC[/h]

Yeah - Since Adobe acquired Macromedia, they managed to destroy pretty much any of Macromedia’s great products. Likewise Microsoft is destroying Skype. Beware of any big player buying Xojo … good night, then!

No one will be buying Xojo since Xojo isn’t selling out.

Well, never say never. If someone came along with a check with enough zeros in it it could happen.

In that case it’s a surprise the govt hasn’t attempted buying Xojo for propriety. I don’t think as long as it pays the bills, Geoff will sell out. He’s quite respectable and Xojo is his any many other developers life work. But…you never know… Even Facebook has an ugly truth far more sinister than most realize…

http:// www. /watch?v=UJqGbA2tLww

the youtube link does not work

@Richard Duke
The original wouldn’t post, so I pasted it with spaces…you’ll have to remove the spaces between // and www and .com and /watch…

I have also sent you a theme to match Beatrix Willius’s posted above.