Custom tab systems

Thanks Joseph.

When I build on my Windows PC for Cocoa it creates a single .tar file. Is that what you need to test on Mac with?

Sorry but I’m not a Mac user.

give me a link to the tar file and i can test for u

Hopefully that will work.

I’m planning on improving the drawing methods once I get everything else working as I need it to.

manage to run the test app on my macosx after getting to the app. look pretty good on the mac took

Great Richard! Thank you for testing it out.

want me to post some picture??? johnny?

I would love to see how it looks if you have time to post some pics.

squared tab

round tab

Slated tab

with gradient on active tab

Thanks Richard… it looks good. I really appreciate the pics.

Once I get it completed I may ask you to test it again if have time.

I have a basic tab system which has been developed for an app I am currently developing. It is not as all singing and dancing as Johnny’s i.e. I don’t have the cross to close a tab or option to change the shape of the tabs simply because I have not needed to do this as it was developed for one app.

At the moment I just use it to change the value on a page panel when a tab is selected the page panel changes to the page associated with the TabIndex.

If there is any interest, I may take it further and release it as a standalone control:

i think on johnny’s tab control, should not show the round if not active tab.

should only show the x in the round if it is active tab.

johnny, how come some tab show the round at the end and some doesn’t?

hi mike, your control do look really cool. i am interested to see a demo of this

Tabs can only be closed if the programmer sets the “CloseButtonVisible” property of the tab to true. If there is a round image on the end of the tab, it’s just an indicator to the end user that the tab can be closed. If the user wants to close some of their open tabs they can quickly see which tabs can be closed. The “CloseButtonIndicator” can be hidden by setting the “CloseButtonIndicatorVisible” property of the tab to false.

Mike… I love the looks of your tabs. Once I get mine working like it should, I hope to get it drawing as smooth as yours.