ARM64 Xojo Priority?

I think Emile was referring to the Apple threshold for when they charge under 30% and said a billion instead of a million. Relatively few entrepenuaers need to pay 30% to Apple anymore, and I think that was her point.

15% is still a high overhead when on most computers (both Linux and Windows) you can just use your own website and storefront. There is also no guarantee that Apple wouldn’t raise this. I have never developed for Apple but I also believe they have a flat annual fee for just having the privilege of developing software, unless they changed that? Either way my point is Having more than 2 desktop and mobile platforms is better for everyone.

“Just use your own website and storefront” is not something that is free either, especially when you consider multinational currencies, handling customer service, PCI compliance, handling updates for you, etc.

I don’t have any apps for sale in the Apple App Store either, but I’m not convinced that 15% is unreasonable – especially for the small app developer who doesn’t want to have a website and storefront. Perhaps I would feel different if I did sell my apps to consumers, or had a website and storefront.

That is not to say I don’t have my own gripes with Apple’s walled garden, such as recently deciding they won’t renew Enterprise licenses that have existed for years but are under 100 employees. They are refusing to renew those now closing off that avenue for distribution by small enterprises. But that is another story not related to this thread topic. For that matter, neither are the fees, so let’s keep this thread on topic.

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And I agree with you, your own website isn’t free but it should always be a option and these companies want you to only sell through them. If they implement crap policies wouldn’t it be nice to be able to move to a different ecosystem if need be?

Going back to my original point, Linux is growing slowly and I don’t think it’ll put anyone out of business but I also don’t think we should all just stop developing tools for it because Apple and Microsoft are bigger. I think we would all benefit from a 3rd player in the market and as devs we make that happen.

On other payment gates, we pay anywhere between 5.9 and 8.9% for payment handling, invoicing and all the sales tax and VAT.
That includes 1 to 5% for credit cards.

So 15% is not bad as Apple does a bit more here like doing downloads, promoting apps, doing some customer care and people don’t need to enter their credit card details to our store.

30% is too much in my opinion, but 10 to 15% is fine.


You are correct. Crying about a 30% fee seems ridiculous nowaday for single developers or so…

Google play is 15%. 30% is applied on the excess above US$1M/year. So if you made 1.2M, you pay 15% on 1M and 30% on 200k.

And it can be 12%. An update on Google Play billing in the EEA

Nope. In the past someone would sell your $500 apps for you and keep 30%. Today, that same software costs $50, and the effort of your publisher was decreased by automation decreasing their costs, and his cut also needs to follow the trend.

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I think we’re obsessing over the price here, which can change with the wind. I’m saying monopolies are bad, monopolies tend to increase prices once all competition is owned or destroyed. We should be open to other stores, methods of distribution and products. Linux is 3% of all desktop computers and ~90% of all servers now and will keep growing imo. If developers support it the users will come and 3 choices are better than 2 any day of the week.

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We’re obsessing over profits, not prices.

I don’t think profits have been mentioned once, only store fees… Still doesn’t say anything to the point I’m trying to hammer in either.

It was, for people that think in terms of numbers like me, due fees are part of “less profit” part of a price composition.

The point is, what is your point? As Xojo is Linux ARM64 capable since 2022r4.

And very good it is, too. I compiled my app for ARM64, and updated the OS on my Pi to 64-bit, and the former runs nicely on the latter.

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The root origin of this thread is xojo should drop Linux support and I defended the platform with the growth numbers of the OS and the benefits it brings as a 3rd OS. This fee stuff was a huge tangent.

Nope. The root was: When ARM64 will be available? Soon? Latter?

And it’s not a problem anymore. It’s here.