Anyone else Frustrated with Cloud?

So to update everyone, firstly Greg worked tireless on this with me over a number of hours. The support Xojo and Greg gives is exceptional. Thanks very much mate.
Ok, Greg looked at the firewall logs with interest and saw me attempt to upload. we did a traceroute with no joy. At everything we could with no joy.

Then I moved site and tried at our offices and it immediately worked.

I was working from home and for some reason we believe xojos firewall got hit enough times from my attempts that it got upset. Greg explained it better…
"The reason it works sometimes from home is that the firewall isn’t sufficiently miffed at you yet. A port scan is seen as a preemptive attack and it protects itself. The longer it goes on, the longer you have to wait to continue. "

Why it got miffed at me in the first place I dont know. But Im operational again.

Im writing this post from home I just tried an upload.
This time I went and sat on the main wireless router (airport extreme) . ie Im normally attached to a repeater (airport Time Capsule) at the other end of the house. The internet speeds “seem” to be comparable between routers, but are obviously better at the main router… And I uploaded just fine. Only a little bit slower than at work.

Here is the fun stuff. I went back to my home office where I normally work and had all the trouble. My Mac Book Pro attached to the Time Capsule router. I attempted another upload. It started sort of ok. But really slow. Guess what, it wouldnt upload.

so now I went back and sat on my wireless main router. It Uploaded no problem.


Once again thanks Greg
Regards James

It’s problems like that that are very hard to diagnose. Glad you were able to figure it out.

This over reacting firewall stuff is scary. How could anybody buy XC without fearing to be kicked out because the aggressive guard dog did not recognize his master and bit him ?

Does it not defeat the purpose of a one click deploy ?

Me too! I really want my new backend to work. Xojo Cloud has a lot going for it, but we need confidence in it. I hope my experience may shed some light on the subject for others having issues.

After realising xojo sort of gets confused with my home network, Im not convinced that it was the firewall to be honest.

Greg was speculating that after many attempts to upload and crashing out of xojo, and leaving the upload to hang for a long time , that this MAY HAVE miffed the firewall. We were grappling with possibilities. At least now I have a reason why I had problems, even if it is an odd reason.

If I where Xojo, I would be concerned by this unreliable upload process where not only it does not work, but the more you try, the more intent the system gets stuck.

Christian Schmitz experienced that. Lars Lehmann got so frustrated he gave up. Now james Nicholson-Plank. If I had half these issues half of the time with any host, I would dump them right away.

Greg is doing his best, but customers cannot live in fear their host will get paranoid and kick them out like that :confused:

This is not just about our aggressive firewall. There is something on James’ network that is checking every port on the server, one at a time, in sequence. In the internet security world, we call this a Port Scan and it’s usually done by a hacker looking for vulnerabilities.

The firewall is doing exactly what it should be doing. Protecting the server from attackers. If you behave like a hacker, you should expect to be treated like one.

Greg about the port scan
We obviously are a home of many devices, and funnily enough our family mac is doing crazy things at the moment. This machine is used by the kids who go to any old site and because we have had it for 5 years or more they were very young when they started using it. ie didnt know better.
When I think about it, It is quite possibly infected with some form of malware. This may explain the scan.

Yes, I’d check that.

I posted about this in a separate thread, not having seen this one.
I’m curious to find out if this ever had a more clear resolution. I’m experiencing it a lot today.

I took note of the Airport comment, and am connecting directly to my router’s WiFi now. Let’s see if that improves it.

PS: I don’t know why I avoided this forum before. What a wealth of good information!

At the end of the day we are dealing with the net. For me some days are much faster than others. But Ive had very little trouble once I realised it was my home network setup that was causing my issues.

And one click deployment now means Im using Xojo for the web. Ive tried many odd frameworks over the years to avoid microsoft, and everyone of them has been great to develop in (livecode, AwareIM, Morfik) but deployment was always the issue.

They were all run by little companies that couldnt get the numbers of developers needed to really make their product fly. Why? Because deployment was always so damned painful. With One Click and Xojo Cloud my personal opportunities for new products and clients now are only limited to my ability to sell them.

Honestly, since we learned about the whole disable App Nap on Mac OS X all of my problems went away. Xojo Cloud has been pretty problem free since then. R2 disables it automatically, BTW.

I just spent a week going back and forth with tech support getting an app running on a non-Xojo Cloud server for a client. Ug. What a pain. My test app on XC was up and running in no time. XC eliminates the whole deployment issue and the whole service will get better with time.

Thanks for any help in advance.

Any body know why we get
“Mutex cleaned, application could not launch.” messages?
And how to get ride of them?
Ive had them before and restarted my Xojo Cloud. That has worked in the past but not now?
Had it last night. waited overnight and tried again this morning and nothing different?

Im on version 2014R2 and got caught with an AppNap problem last week.
This week its Mutex. Lucky my app is not in production yet.

Send an email to customer service. I believe they can fix that problem.

Thanks Bob I will

This is just a moan really. I expect Xojo Cloud to play ball in a day or so but it grinds me down.

Mutant Mutex was fixed after 2 days so thanks to Jason and Xojo team. Now Im back to 0:00 time remaining. AppNap did seem to be the issue of the last 0:00 really pain in the ass issue, but thats all correctly set now.

But unfortunately 0:00 is back. I had this a day a go and just gave it time, and tried the next day. It worked.
I do love one click deployment but I wish I could rely on it.
So I dont know whats causing this one.

It only occurs for a newly created Xojo App. Its actually the same app Ive been working on but more advanced and I changed the Build Application name , and the build Application identifier. One way or another I have no doubts Ill be back on track this week. This is just a keep it real guys. You still have some work to do, message.

So heads up guys you are definitely making progress but your not home and hosed yet.

And of course the very next attempt after my post, it uploads.

And now welcoming back the very famous… “Mutex cleaned, application could not launch.” for my original app. Xojo cloud is consistent I have give it that.

James. Instead of posting here when you have an issue, you ought to contact tech support. We don’t monitor this thread for support requests.

For what it’s worth, the only app that appears to be failing is your testMutext-Dev app, and it appears you haven’t uploaded a new version since August 5th which is before we fixed your issue the first time.