Anyone else Frustrated with Cloud?

Hi all. How’s the cloud looking at the moment? I’m learning xojo - I’d like to think it’s working better in 2017 :-/

Hi Gary,

You are not restricted to the XOJO Cloud when building web apps. I have no idea who the Cloud service is going, as I don’t use it, but I don’t see many posts about it, so I guess it is OK. If it is not to your liking you could always choose another. It should not be a reason to give up on XOJO.

Here is a like to a test site I set up a while back. You’ll get a warning because I’ve not updated the SSL cert, but if you click through you’ll find the familiar XOJO example running on a shared service!



It has its quirks. But has been running fine for our projects without many major hiccups.

I’m with Stephen, Xojo Cloud has been working fine for us. It has had the occasional hiccups but I’ve hiccups with other hosts too, so I think that’s pretty usual.

We have lots of people using Xojo Cloud and they seem happy with it. There have been several new features added since 2014. You can read about all its capabilities here:

I’ll offer a +1 for Xojo Cloud. It has been reliable for me. The one-step upload and the controllable firewall are very good things to have.

Tony Barry


After 18 hours trying to deploy a critical app to Xojo Cloud I have to say I’m very disappointed. After months of [almost] flawless operation when it comes to the crunch the platform has let me down. Recent firewall rule changes caused our service and internal business apps to become inaccessible to us as well as a few customers. The inability to deploy is frustrating and there’s no practical work-around. throwHandsUpInHorror=true

Sorry for your frustration Matt. We are looking at this right now.

OK - we found a work-around. XC deployment fails and says try again later, but the real reason for the fault was a dependency (libuuid) not installed on XC server. Pulling apart a project to find which bit broke the deployment is a mare, however we finally have a result. Not happy, but improving.

I really do appreciate the effort that Jason puts into helping resolve these issues. Thank you.

Hopefully much better deployment is in the pipeline, but in the meantime I’ll be looking into a backup solution that we can swap to when things go haywire.

Ug…That’s no fun. The only complaint I have with Xojo web apps (in general) is that when things work it’s great but when they don’t it’s a real chore to figure out what’s wrong. The web server errors logs sometimes help but many times the error is too generic to be helpful. Sometimes you have to get ssh access and depending in the client that might not be doable.

The Xojo team has been very helpful, in that regard, but I feel like error reporting could be better. Maybe the new framework will have better error reporting, or at least be more helpful in that regard.

Matt, Just to be clear… You were able to deploy other projects to his server, This was a dependency of an MBS plugin which you had added to this particular project sometime in the last 24 hrs. Unfortunately it’s not practical to send a list of every installed lib down to the IDE every time you click Deploy to tell you whether your app will run before uploading.

FWIW, You could have had this issue no matter what type of server you were deploying to. In this case, the 32-bit variant of the library is not loaded onto our 64-bit servers by default.

Gary, I was using the Cloud recently for a small app I was selling and had zero issues. I thought it was pretty seamless