3rd party plugins don't load under Sierra

Yep. And I’ve even got a folder just named “Adobe” in Applications that apparently they use for staging updates, which is interesting.

I hate contradicting, but I installed Xojo 2016R3 without any particular precautions under Sierra, and all plugins are loaded as usual.

The IDE is not translocated. Security and Privacy/General “App Store and Identified developers” is selected.

[quote=291830:@Michel Bujardet]I hate contradicting, but I installed Xojo 2016R3 without any particular precautions under Sierra, and all plugins are loaded as usual.
Interesting. Other people have said this too. I wonder what the difference could be?

I download 2016R3 and installed it in the most simple fashion. Nothing out of the ordinary.

It may very well have translocated the first time around, though. I did not use plugins that particular day.

My success was 100% because I was using the default 10.4 wallpaper on my fresh Sierra install at XDC.

Maybe you want to uninstall, restart, download and install again.

Tried that. You name it, I tried it. Wasted two hours and this already was a clean install of Sierra.

Had to remove the extended attributes to get back to work and all fine since.

Sorry, I’ve just realized I wasn’t at all clear that this problem was solved for me a few days ago. See https://forum.xojo.com/35673-xojo-plugin-weirdness-on-macos-sierra

I had the issue with my application when downloaded and installed on Sierra as my application references folders in the applications installed folder (due to translocation). My app is signed correctly and it was only when my install DMG (It is a drag a folder to applications installer) was also signed did the issue go away.

Are you taking about the plugins that Xojo includes, or added 3rd party plugins? I did a test back to 12r2.1 and all of them required that I removed the quarantine EA before they would load the 3rd party plugins.

Its the Einhugur and MBS plugins I use for my latest app…

I installed 2016R3 in the most classical of fashion, dragged the Xojo folder from the DMG to the Applications folder, and that’s it.

Originally I downloaded Sierra from the App Store, it is now 10.12.1 beta after update.

@Michel Bujardet - very different from my experience on a '13 Mac Pro and a '12 Mac Book Pro. On each of those with clean Sierra installs, no version of Xojo would load the 3rd party plugins on launch. It would start and run, but none of the plugins were loaded until I removed the quarantine EA.

(I’m also not happy to find that Apple updated me to 10.12.1b4 overnight on this test system … )

Has anyone tried signing the third party plugins to see if that alters things ?

Likewise, also on a clean system.

@Michel Bujardet - clutching at straws, but was yours a clean install or did you do an upgrade from El Cap or earlier?

I did an upgrade on the iMac, but Xojo 2016R3 was not already installed. I installed it afterward.

More. On my early 2015 MacBook that was under El Capitan, I had installed 2016R3 and upgraded to Sierra early this week after XDC. Yet again, it loads MBS and Einhugur plugins without a peep.

I did not manipulate the quarantine attribute or anything.

In our cases, we’re talking about a clean install of Sierra. I’m finding a LOT of configuration things that are different between an upgraded system and a clean install.

It is quite possible that Sierra be more accommodating in case of upgrade, since Apple probably does not want to break already installed apps. But yet that does not explain why a brand new 2016R3 install is not translocated.

Back in beta, Sierra did routinely translocate apps, and I verified it.

MBS Plugins are signed, at least the DLLs and Dylibs inside.

What we found during the beta’s was that the only way to avoid Translocation was to codesign and then ship on a code signed DMG, as long as Xojo codeside the DMG, everything should be fine.

Yet, there are still code signing issues cropping up and so far 10.12.1 beta hasn’t helped.

As long as Finder removes quarantine flag (or doesn’t add it) when you move Xojo folder to disk.
We’ll see if Apple can fine tune this in the next months.