2021R1.1 Apple M1 native iOS compilation failed

If you click on the app on the simulator, does it launch and then complain that it can’t connect to the IDE?

I made a video of this happening to me. Xojo launches the Simulator, sends over the app, launches the app, then it dies.

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I show the same results for that command as @Gavin_Smith and @DerkJ .

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Well the xojo provided plugins don’t have that (here i’ve just shown 2):

Maybe that’s the cause since these are ALWAYS in the plugins folder by default.
The MBS plugins for example do have the “iOS Device” and “iOS Simulator” parts.


It is difficult to assess that. A console output has been submitted in feedback and was filtered with the bundle identifier.

No. It behaves exactly as in @Anthony_G_Cyphers 's video. No error message when attempting to launch the debug app in the simulator.

@Alfred_Van_Hoek – The log that you put on the case, is that from Xcode or is that output that happens in the console when you run the app in Xojo?

It is the output of the app that is loaded, is launched when you invoke Run from Xojo. I filtered with the bundle identifier. So we might have lost info that may be significant. It was therefore while I asked for a specific Xojo.app that would spit out messages with a signature pertaining to the problem.

The filtering is done within the console.app. Xcode does not play a role here, nor do plugins play a role, nor do mobile controls belonging to Xojo. An empty project suffices to generate the problem here.

Same for me…