2021R1.1 Apple M1 native iOS compilation failed

If it were a plugin that does not have Universal binary Simulator then Xojo posts then name of the plugin.

I had such report on the e-CryptIt Engine before I added the UB Simulator segment. And Xojo posted it very clearly which plugin. (Only the message was misleading in other ways).

In my case I am suffering from this phenomenon. Did delete the Library/Developer folder, then launched Xcode again to create new simulators on the M1, and it still failed Xojo to compile. The error is -1. The only remedy was to create a different account on the M1 and Xojo (blank project) did not abort the running of the simulator. Plugins then for ok, including Xojo’s widgets. I wished, Xojo would be more informative because based on the messages in the console, it is Xojo’s simulator that raises the abort signal.

That’s correct. Even when starting a new project from scratch and running it without adding any controls in it will result in a Compilation failed -1 error message.

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I know this doesn’t help fixing the issue but the following setups work correctly:

System 1

  • Apple MacBook Air M1 (with Rosetta)
  • Xojo 2021r1.1 (no plugins)
  • Xcode 12.4
  • MacOS 11.2

System 2

  • Apple MacBook Air M1 (with Rosetta)
  • Xojo 2021r1.1 (no plugins)
  • Xcode 12.5
  • MacOS 11.2

BigSur update 11.3 isn’t installed yet. I will install and test very soon.

If Xojo is opened with Rosetta, no plugins, Xcode 12.5, MacOS 11.3, things are fine, but when opened as non-rosetta we get:

default	08:42:27.059245-0400	com.apple.CoreSimulator.CoreSimulatorService	launchApplicationWithID:options:pid:error:: Error Domain=FBSOpenApplicationServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "The request to open "com.vanhoekplugins.myapp" failed." UserInfo={BSErrorCodeDescription=RequestDenied, NSLocalizedDescription=The request to open "com.vanhoekplugins.myapp" failed., NSUnderlyingError=0x13f910280 {Error Domain=FBProcessExit Code=64 "The process failed to launch." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x13f9105e0 {Error Domain=RBSRequestErrorDomain Code=5 "Launch failed." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Launch failed., NSUnderlyingError=0x13f910300 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=153 "Unknown error: 153" UserInfo=0x13f910a50 (not displayed)}}}, BSErrorCodeDescription=launch-failed, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The process failed to launch.}}, FBSOpenApplicationRequestID=0x3836, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The request was denied by service delegate (SBMainWorkspace).}

default	08:42:27.062484-0400	Xojo	<XOJSimulatorLauncherXcode8 0x600002fd80a0; device = '188456D3-CA7E-4FC2-B94C-F40E7F130620'>: launch attempt completed. 1 [{length = 29, bytes = 0x636f6d2e 76616e68 6f656b70 6c756769 ... 6170703a 202d310a }, {length = 371, bytes = 0x416e2065 72726f72 20776173 20656e63 ... 6c61756e 63682e0a }]

default	08:42:27.062596-0400	Xojo	<XOJSimulatorLauncherXcode8 0x600002fd80a0; device = '188456D3-CA7E-4FC2-B94C-F40E7F130620'>: invoke handler: pid=-1, error=0x600000779ce0

default	08:42:27.347949-0400	Xojo	<XOJSimulatorLauncherXcode8 0x600002fd80a0; device = '188456D3-CA7E-4FC2-B94C-F40E7F130620'>: destroyed

And again: a new account on the M1 does not suffer from this when Xojo is opened natively.

I confirm this too. Works fine when executed under Rosetta.

Everyone can add additional infomation to the feedback case:
If it’s valuable to xojo

Is there a Xojo release schedule when native iOS compilation will be supported for Chip Apple M1? I just tested debug compilation with Xojo Version 2021 R2 on iMac M1, 2021 (macOS Big Sur V11.5.1). The -1 error still occurs without Rosetta. Everything works fine with Rosetta. I didn’t use any plugins.

My guess is that not yet. I see one feedback case about problems compiling without Rosetta:
64582 - Cannot run or test app in simulator from a Mac / M1

The problem with that case is that OP didn’t say it is for iOS, so it looks like they are not able to reproduce for Desktop. The case is stuck in “Needs Review” since April 26.

If you read the comments on that Feedback case you can see several people having problems using M1 without Rosetta and iOS.

Maybe it will be better, if there is no other report specifically for iOS, to open a new Feedback case saying that Xojo2021R2 can’t compile iOS without Rosetta.

We do not need another case about this.

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Can we get a update for this? Xojo is not M1 native now since we need Rosetta to run/build ios… 2021R2.1 just released and this is STILL a problem ?

It is outrageous to kill <https://xojo.com/issue/64582>. Very disappointed at the least.

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My guess is that Case 64582 was auto-closed.

Robin asked a question and the original poster for the case had to answer within 10 days. It looks like the OP didn’t answer in time for the system to auto-close the case.

If that were the case, I would have to conclude that additional remarks added to the report appear to be futile. You know, as one could deduce from all the reports in this feedback item, it was already known that a fresh account does not show the bug; yet the last response from Xojo was: could you test a fresh account?

It is just upsetting how a problem experienced by me and others is handled. I get it that we need to provide a test case. I have tried days after days but to no avail. The problem is there and does not go away as “not reproducible”. Also, “we don’t need more reports” as stated above???


I have rosetta installed maybe xojo has not or did not tried to change the flag on xcode or the simulator?

At least a response from xojo about the state of this would be helpful since the issue still exists after having said “xojo is M1 Native”.

If one of you with this failing could try typing the following in the terminal:

/usr/bin/xcode-select -p

and tell us what the result is. That would be helpful.

and does that path match the version of Xcode that you think you are using?

Yes, this is the path to the version of Xcode that I am using (and the only one I have installed right now).

Ok, so next please look in your project to see which simulator is selected and then go to Xcode and make sure that it’s available in the simulator list.

Yes, they are available. Available simulators match in Xojo and Xcode.

I posted a Feedback screenshot on 11th August which shows that the build does hit the simulator. Every time. It appears on the springboard and then the error message appears. To be clear, I have cleaned the simulator (“Erase all Content and Settings”).

I’ve even deleted all the simulators and reinstalled them from scratch, ensuring they work from Xcode. Same behavior: the app appears to load onto the springboard but then immediately fails to launch, with the -1 error message.

Unfortunately the error is rather generic in that it can be raised for a number of reasons, including but not limited to:

  • can’t find the simulator.app bundle
  • can’t launch simulator.app
  • can’t tell if simulator.app is running
  • can’t launch the simulator device
  • can’t transfer your app to the simulator device
  • can’t launch your app in the simulator
  • app launched but crashed before the debugger connected.