Yosmite blur transparent windows

OSX 10.10 Yosmite now uses some sort of blurring for transparent windows.
Is there any way achieving this with Xojo?
Maybe some declares?

Example what I need:

The blurred window is somehow transparent so the background is blurred heavily.

Could be this:

I’d like to know this too. Like in Mail only the source list has this effect :slight_smile:

From the Yosemite announcement keynote I remember they said any native NSSourceList that touches the edge of the window gets that automatically.

Check the latest xDev magazine for some code!

@Sam : I knew you are going to say this. :slight_smile:

Yes, but thats only when you use a native window. If you for example want something like the screenshot you need some declares (or trick).

Now, I think it can also work using a specific mask. I am doing some tests now and if successful I will post it here.

But this part makes me feel a bit anxious: “Warning: This is an ugly hack and messes with the Xojo hierarchy”…

I will simply make a plugin control for that :slight_smile:

Yeah, I also thought about this. The main question: will it work with the new Xojo framework?

Nevertheless, Sams article in xDev is very good. Especially for doing some new 10.10 stuff like getting rid of the top window bar. :slight_smile:

I have already used Sams declares in some of my apps and they now are very Yosmite-a-like. Kudos to Sam !

[quote=127388:@Christoph De Vocht]Yes, but thats only when you use a native window. If you for example want something like the screenshot you need some declares (or trick).

Now, I think it can also work using a specific mask. I am doing some tests now and if successful I will post it here.[/quote]

The Mavericks dock and menu bar are already translucent. I am waiting to see Sam’s method, but I believe something like a 50% transparent white may produce a similar effect.

50% transparency will not have the same effect. The background is blurred too.
You definitely need the declare of Sam.

Although the declares are no secret (read: no copyright) I think we should respect Sam’s decision for publishing it in the xDev magazine.
But sooner or later it will appear here too. :slight_smile:

Maybe Sam can enlighten this?

With Sam’s declares you can put your toolbar in the top of the window next to the close/minimise/maximise buttons. And thats a really new cool thing you can do with 10.10

Xojo have advised me (and others) against the technique used to shoehorn in NSViews to a Xojo window. It works at the moment, but it may break in the future. The only alternative is to do it on a plugin level such as Christian’s MBS.[quote=127413:@Michel Bujardet]The Mavericks dock and menu bar are already translucent. I am waiting to see Sam’s method, but I believe something like a 50% transparent white may produce a similar effect.[/quote]
There’s two ways to see this code in action, they both require Yosemite.
#1 Copy the code from the article into a project and run it on Yosemite.
#2 Download Backup To Go on Yosemite as it uses this code to make it Yosemite styled.

Once Yosemite is out, I’ll do a followup article about how to make the interface consistent with Mavericks and Yosemite, while doing as little work as possible.

Indeed the documentation used to create these declares is not a secret, it’s included as part of the Xcode beta. Figuring out which are the correct declares and conversing with Apple engineers all takes time.

Thanks for respecting my decision to publish it in the xDev magazine.

I’ve a control ready here :slight_smile: