XojoVersion documentation is wrong [FIXED]


Documentation for XojoVersion constant:

[quote]The major and minor version of Xojo as a Double in the form 20xx.yy, where xx is the 2-digit year and yy is the release number.

For example, Xojo 2014 Release 3.2 would return 2014.32.[/quote]

This is wrong. For Xojo 2016r4.1, the actual value of the constant is:


not 2016.41 as the documentation leads one to expect. Has this changed from a previous version? Or is the IDE returning a wrong value?

The IDE is right
The docs are wrong - the format is 20xx.yybb
xx is year
yy is release formatted as a 2 digit number with leading 0’s
bb is the point release

Thanks for catching that. I’ve updated the description.

Great, thanks! :slight_smile: