XojoScript Dictionary

As an exercise, and to test out the open-source XsEdit XojoScript editor, I wrote the following Pair and Dictionary classes for XojoScript. Now, to be fair, while I’m familiar with the concept of a Dictionary, I’ve never written one before, so any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

(This script is included with the XsEdit project, although it’s slightly out of date as I write this.)

Class Pair
  Dim LeftValue As Variant
  Dim RightValue As Variant

  Sub Constructor()

  End Sub

  Sub Constructor( leftValue As Variant, rightValue As Variant )
    self.LeftValue = leftValue
    self.RightValue = rightValue
  End Sub
End Class

Class Dictionary
  Private Const kBinCount = &hFFFF

  Private Bins() As Variant
  Private mIsCaseSensitive As Boolean

  Private Function KeyToStorageKey( key As Variant ) As Variant
    if not mIsCaseSensitive then
      select case key.Type
      case Variant.TypeString, Variant.TypeText
      key = key.StringValue.Lowercase
      end select
    end if

    return key
  End Function

  Private Function StorageIndexOf( storageKeyArr() As Variant, storageKey As Variant ) As Integer
    if mIsCaseSensitive and _
      ( storageKey.Type = Variant.TypeString or storageKey.Type = Variant.TypeText ) then
      dim storageKeyString as string = storageKey.StringValue

      for i as integer = 0 to storageKeyArr.Ubound
        dim thisKey as variant = storageKeyArr( i )
        select case thisKey.Type
        case Variant.TypeString, Variant.TypeText
        if StrComp( thisKey.StringValue, storageKeyString, 0 ) = 0 then
        return i
        end if

        case else
        if thisKey = storageKey then
        return i
        end if
        end select
      next i


      for i as integer = 0 to storageKeyArr.Ubound
        dim thisKey as variant = storageKeyArr( i )
        if thisKey = storageKey then
        return i
        end if
      next i

    end if

    return -1
  End Function

  Private Sub GetIndexes( key As Variant, ByRef binIndex As Integer, ByRef subBinIndex As Integer )
    dim storageKey as variant = KeyToStorageKey( key ) 

    dim keyHash as UInt64 = storageKey.Hash
    binIndex = keyHash mod kBinCount
    if binIndex > Bins.Ubound or Bins( binIndex ).IsNull then
      subBinIndex = -1
      dim entry as Pair = Bins( binIndex )
      dim storageKeyArr() as variant = entry.LeftValue

      subBinIndex = StorageIndexOf( storageKeyArr, storageKey )
    end if
  End Sub

  Sub Constructor( caseSensitive As Boolean = False )
    mIsCaseSensitive = caseSensitive
  End Sub

  Function IsCaseSensitive() As Boolean
    return mIsCaseSensitive
  End Function

  Function HasKey( key As Variant ) As Boolean
    dim binIndex as integer
    dim subBinIndex as integer
    GetIndexes( key, binIndex, subBinIndex )
    return subBinIndex <> -1
  End Function

  Function Value( key As Variant ) As Variant
    dim binIndex as integer
    dim subBinIndex as integer
    GetIndexes( key, binIndex, subBinIndex )

    dim entry as Pair = Bins( binIndex )
    dim p as Pair = entry.RightValue
    dim valueArr() as variant = p.RightValue
    return valueArr( subBinIndex )
  End Function

  Sub Value( key As Variant, Assigns value As Variant )
    dim binIndex as integer
    dim subBinIndex as integer
    GetIndexes( key, binIndex, subBinIndex )

    if Bins.Ubound < binIndex then
      redim Bins( binIndex )
    end if

    dim storageKeyArr() as variant
    dim keyArr() as variant
    dim valueArr() as variant
    dim entry as Pair
    if Bins( binIndex ).IsNull then
      entry = new Pair( storageKeyArr, new Pair( keyArr, valueArr ) )
      Bins( binIndex ) = entry
      entry = Bins( binIndex )
      storageKeyArr = entry.LeftValue
      dim p as Pair = entry.RightValue
      keyArr = p.LeftValue
      valueArr = p.RightValue
    end if

    if subBinIndex = -1 then
      storageKeyArr.Append KeyToStorageKey( key )
      keyArr.Append key
      valueArr.Append value
      valueArr( subBinIndex ) = value
    end if
  End Sub

  Function Keys() as Variant()
    dim r() as variant
    for binIndex as integer = 0 to Bins.Ubound
      dim entry as Pair = Bins( binIndex )
      if entry is nil then
        continue for binIndex
      end if

      dim p as Pair = entry.RightValue
      dim keyArr() as variant = p.LeftValue
      for keyIndex as integer = 0 to keyArr.Ubound
        dim key as variant = keyArr( keyIndex )
        r.Append key
    return r
  End Function

  Function Values() as Variant()
    dim r() as variant
    for binIndex as integer = 0 to Bins.Ubound
      dim entry as Pair = Bins( binIndex )
      if entry is nil then
        continue for binIndex
      end if

      dim p as Pair = entry.RightValue
      dim valueArr() as variant = p.RightValue
      for keyIndex as integer = 0 to valueArr.Ubound
        dim value as variant = valueArr( keyIndex )
        r.Append value
    return r
  End Function

  Private Sub PrintVariantArray( arr() as Variant )
    dim s() as string
    for i as integer = 0 to arr.Ubound
      dim v as variant = arr( i )
      select case v.Type
      case Variant.TypeString, Variant.TypeText
        s.Append """" + v.StringValue + """"
      case Variant.TypeBoolean, Variant.TypeInteger, Variant.TypeDouble, Variant.TypeSingle, Variant.TypeColor
        s.Append v
      case Variant.TypeNil
        s.Append "nil"
      case else
        s.Append "<obj>"
      end select
    print join( s, ", " )
  End Sub

  Sub PrintKeys()
    PrintVariantArray( self.Keys )
  End Sub

  Sub PrintValues()
    PrintVariantArray( self.Values )
  End Sub
End Class

I see a potential issue. Variant is an object, do you’re going to need to define that as well.

Just out of curiosity, why not make a context object and use a real dictionary in the background?

I don’t understand about Variant. The script runs as-is, and Variant is a known type in XojoScript. Have I missed something?

If I am creating a XojoScript to run inside my app, yes, a context would be the better solution, but it’s not an option when creating an IDE script.

Impressive job, Kem. Congratulations !

Variant is its own type. Its only limitations in XojoScript are that DateValue won’t work and that you can’t pass a Variant to or from the context object.