XojoScript.CompilerError 87

I just got one in 2017R1.1, scrolled through the list and found the following description…

87 - n/a - Obsolete. The compiler no longer generates this error.

The compiler stumbles over [.ToText] in my script. Any clues?

Can you show us the code on that line?

[quote=337137:@Arthur v. d. B.]I just got one in 2017R1.1, scrolled through the list and found the following description…

87 - n/a - Obsolete. The compiler no longer generates this error.

The compiler stumbles over [.ToText] in my script. Any clues?[/quote]

87 is XojoScript.Errors.UndefinedMemberIdentifier.

@Greg O’Lone - I’ve changed it since, but most likely it had to do with the fact that I had also created a [ToText] method in my context to convert a string. Until I figured that was probably not so smart.

I’m always struggling with strings and text in scripts since a lot of basic text functionality doesn’t work (<https://xojo.com/issue/47162>).